"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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I wonder how hard it would be to give them a booster like the Missile de Croisière Naval (MdCN) variant so as to allow the option of surface launch rather than airborne?
A brave woman.
Mixed reports coming out of Ukraine over the last three to four hours.

Several major Russian media outlets and pro-Russian military bloggers are hyperventillating and reporting advances by Ukraine around Bakhmut, Ivanivske, Novodonets'ke and Soledar, along with 'major' clashes on the line around Kupyansk and Hulyaipole. Others are reporting 'columns of tanks' headed for Belgorod out of Kharkiv, or that masses of Ukranian infantry are crossing the Dnipro in boats. Russian social media channels are amplifying rumours and basically declaring the start of Ukraine's summer offensive.

Ukrainian and Western sources are all going 'meh, it's local counter-attacks and that's it' (and basking in apparent panic in Russian channels - so many memes!).

That has more of a ring of truth to it, but I also think that there's a little more to it than just that. Several of these attacks have been aimed at strategic locations - river/canal crossings, major roads and high ground. Some of them have been successful - at least two attacks penetrated far enough to capture infantry weapon ammunition dumps - but I think we're still in the preparation and position phase, rather than any actual offensive.

With reports that Bradleys, Strikers and Challengers are now entering brigade level service, things are about to get interesting though.
Mixed reports coming out of Ukraine over the last three to four hours.

Several major Russian media outlets and pro-Russian military bloggers are hyperventillating and reporting advances by Ukraine around Bakhmut, Ivanivske, Novodonets'ke and Soledar, along with 'major' clashes on the line around Kupyansk and Hulyaipole. Others are reporting 'columns of tanks' headed for Belgorod out of Kharkiv, or that masses of Ukranian infantry are crossing the Dnipro in boats. Russian social media channels are amplifying rumours and basically declaring the start of Ukraine's summer offensive.

Ukrainian and Western sources are all going 'meh, it's local counter-attacks and that's it' (and basking in apparent panic in Russian channels - so many memes!).

That has more of a ring of truth to it, but I also think that there's a little more to it than just that. Several of these attacks have been aimed at strategic locations - river/canal crossings, major roads and high ground. Some of them have been successful - at least two attacks penetrated far enough to capture infantry weapon ammunition dumps - but I think we're still in the preparation and position phase, rather than any actual offensive.

With reports that Bradleys, Strikers and Challengers are now entering brigade level service, things are about to get interesting though.

Well Russia's defence ministry is claiming that there aren't any Ukrainian advances and things are under control...so the above reporting MUST be true!!!


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