"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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There is a strong similarity between Prigozhin and Wagner and Röhm and his SA.
Both Prigozhin and Röhm were opportunists, very skilled at leading a powerful organization, objectively speaking,
And now, Prigozhin criticizes the Russian Army in the same way as Röhm wanted the Wehrmacht merged with his SA.
Hope he will have the same fate.
As much as I detest the guy, he is useful in the sense of a bull in Putin's china shop. And I am sure Putin does not have the apparatus to keep himself safe that that corporal had.
Apparently there are videos out there of wounded russian soldiers taking their own lives after being injured. What must it say about the state of their morale that they either don't think their comrades are going to rescue them, or their medical services aren't actually going to be able to look after them?

How can you expect men to stand and fight if they think their comrades would just leave them?
Apparently there are videos out there of wounded russian soldiers taking their own lives after being injured. What must it say about the state of their morale that they either don't think their comrades are going to rescue them, or their medical services aren't actually going to be able to look after them?

How can you expect men to stand and fight if they think their comrades would just leave them?
The sad part of this, is the Ukrainians are willing to render aid to the injured Russians.

Perhaps the Russians witnessing or knowing of the treatment of captured Ukrainian soldiers and civilians has them thinking that they'll be treated the same as they do.
According to SPIEGEL, Germany will significantly expand its support for Ukraine with the largest arms delivery since the beginning of the war. It includes 20 Marder BMPs, 30 Leopard 1 tanks, 18 wheeled howitzers, 4 IRIS-T-SLM systems and hundreds of guided missiles for the IRIS-T-SLM.

View: https://twitter.com/BrennpunktUA/status/1657274274732822528
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Sergeant Yaroslav of the Bureviy assault brigade to his rookie soldiers: "You are being trained to assault, not to defend,"
That is a very different tune to that of 1 year ago and clearly shows Ukraine intentions.

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