"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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More ammo for the Gephardts! ASAP!
I wouldn't get too excited. They have recommended changing the rules. They haven't agreed to a whole host of things, including

a) The committee's representatives decided that in the future, the Swiss government may sometimes limit the validity of such a declaration to five years.
b) However, certain conditions must be met. The country receiving the weapons must not seriously violate human rights. In addition, there must be no danger that military materials will be used against the civilian population.
c) The country should not be involved in an internal or international armed conflict. The only exception is if a country like Ukraine defends itself against aggression, in accordance with international law.
d) The UN must determine the last point: the re-export of Swiss weapons to a war zone is proposed to be allowed only if the UN General Assembly recognises such self-defence by a two-thirds majority or if the Security Council adopts a corresponding resolution.
e)Now, the Committee on the Security Policy of the National Council has to develop a corresponding draft law. It is uncertain whether Ukraine will get any real benefits from this decision.

If the proposal passes the parliament, a referendum is possible, and the people will decide the fate of the re-export of Swiss weapons. This may take some time.
Many questions remain open. Among other things, it will be necessary to examine in detail whether this decision is compatible with the neutrality law.

The parliament predicts that if the procedure for approving the re-export of weapons ends positively, the decision will take effect in spring 2024.

The decision was only made due to serious pressure from abroad. Germany, for example, wanted to supply ammunition for Gepard anti-aircraft guns to Ukraine and machine gun ammunition. Denmark applied to Bern for permission to supply Piranha III armoured personnel carriers to Ukraine. However, Switzerland rejected both applications
I wouldn't get too excited. They have recommended changing the rules. They haven't agreed to a whole host of things, including

a) The committee's representatives decided that in the future, the Swiss government may sometimes limit the validity of such a declaration to five years.
b) However, certain conditions must be met. The country receiving the weapons must not seriously violate human rights. In addition, there must be no danger that military materials will be used against the civilian population.
c) The country should not be involved in an internal or international armed conflict. The only exception is if a country like Ukraine defends itself against aggression, in accordance with international law.
d) The UN must determine the last point: the re-export of Swiss weapons to a war zone is proposed to be allowed only if the UN General Assembly recognises such self-defence by a two-thirds majority or if the Security Council adopts a corresponding resolution.
e)Now, the Committee on the Security Policy of the National Council has to develop a corresponding draft law. It is uncertain whether Ukraine will get any real benefits from this decision.

If the proposal passes the parliament, a referendum is possible, and the people will decide the fate of the re-export of Swiss weapons. This may take some time.
Many questions remain open. Among other things, it will be necessary to examine in detail whether this decision is compatible with the neutrality law.

The parliament predicts that if the procedure for approving the re-export of weapons ends positively, the decision will take effect in spring 2024.

The decision was only made due to serious pressure from abroad. Germany, for example, wanted to supply ammunition for Gepard anti-aircraft guns to Ukraine and machine gun ammunition. Denmark applied to Bern for permission to supply Piranha III armoured personnel carriers to Ukraine. However, Switzerland rejected both applications
Things like this show why the European Union will not last. There is no "union", only an amalgamation of separate countries- each with their own agenda.
Things like this show why the European Union will not last. There is no "union", only an amalgamation of separate countries- each with their own agenda.
.. no UNION ... but UNITED in distrust of RF now ... Swiss will pass on a referendum because history tells they adjust with their neighbors ... and the war was an epiphany to western European eyes - not the aggression - seen that before, in Crimea - but EPIPHANY over energy.
EU hands were bloody - financing Putin's World - and now they could be held ransom over oil an gas.
As long as Putin and RF hold ANY capacity to wage economic war/hardship on EU they will remain united in purpose - all that matters. Personally, I don't want za world without borders - people are tribal by instinct and this should not be surpressed - as Brussels would like to impose, not in the name of Union - but i n the name of Standardized Compliance.
When Putin has been terminated and some kind of order - likely purchased by the West - RF will crumble and China + Western for Profits will carve up natural resources, financing RF's payments to Ukraine - colonizing Russia.
Putin pulled the wrong stick from the pile .... and thoroughly screwed the pooch ... 🕵️‍♀️
EU hands were bloody - financing Putin's World - and now they could be held ransom over oil an gas.

And not just the EU; in 2020 America imported almost 200 million barrels of oil from Russia. At $42USD/bbl average for the year, that's $8.3 billion USD in one year. Of course, there's not the ransom aspect.

Putin pulled the wrong stick from the pile .... and thoroughly screwed the pooch ... 🕵️‍♀️

I wonder if this realization is dawning upon him yet?
Well, it started as a dig against the Swiss. How dare they block other countries from re-exporting their war materials to other countries?!
It's not like every other arms producing country doesn't have strict controls on re-export of their war materials. Notwithstanding the usual corruption that occasionally gets some "entrepenuer" tossed in the slammer.

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