"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Ya think old Putz broke a few fingers to keep him in line?
Not necessarily. I was thinking more that if there is a chance (and this is probably just wishful thinking) of Lukashenko losing power be that through sickness or otherwise then it could be interesting to see what the Russian reaction would be. Imagine if Belarus were suddenly aligned with the Ukrainian side or at least not aligned with Russia, it would have implications. As I said though probably just wishful thinking...
I can see that getting ugly real fast as Putin tries to reimpose "order". But the facade of invincible strength has been shattered. Putin's dream of rebuilding the Russian Empire is fading fast.
Well there is one way to prevent that...

Never underestimate the indoctrination on both sides. Right to the end my father hated Japanese due to the indoctrination he got in training yet he readily admitted that if they were half as bad as they were claimed to be he would have been killed by them when he was in hospital at Guadalcanal -- and his son in law is Japanese.
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