"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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The Doolittle raid on Tokyo forced the Japanese to re-asses their Pacific expansionist policy and to re-group closer to their home islands since this raid exposed their vulnerability. This shifted their focus from the Aleutians to the South.
There never was a focus on the Aleutians. It was a sideshow from the getgo. The purpose was to set up bases to deter American attacks from the Aleutians. Japan's strategic interest was Australia, both the direct route through Port Moresby and the severing of supply lines southeast of the Solomon Islands. The Doolittle raid was a shocker and convinced them that their defensive perimeter needed to be pushed outward, so "nearby" threats had to be eliminated (like maybe, Midway?). The Port Moresby operation was already set to launch, so that went off on schedule, resulting in the Coral Sea battle, which whittled Kido Butai down to a manageable size by taking Carrier Division 5 out of the picture. The dreamt of operation against the Fiji Islands had to be adjusted to a Midway focus, and a quiet invasion of Tulagi and Guadalcanal in the eastern Solomons at least sent feelers in the Fiji direction.
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International court judgehas issued a Warrant for Puttins arrest!
Nice. I believe this means that Putin can't visit or transit through any of the 123 countries that are signatories of the ICC, which BTW does not include the USA.

On another topic, I like how Canada is making these protected scout cars and hiring Ukrainians to help.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M4jqkSNUNk0

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gfo0DtCxLrY
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It's the calm before the storm, really.

Alot has been going in in the media: Ukraine is getting this, Ukraine is not getting this.
Ukraine wants this, Ukraine doesn't want this.
etc., etc...

What has been real quiet, is that Ukrainian pilots have been sent to the U.S. for training. What types they've been training on goes back and forth - but that fact that they've been training on something, is notable.
The UK are also training Ukraine pilots on 'NATO standard aircraft'. The understanding is that this started at approx beginning of Feb which if we give six months which most people give as a time scale, means the summer around August time on, could get interesting.
An attack in the summer and consolidate the gains before Winter sets in would make a Russian counter attack infinitely more difficult
The UK are also training Ukraine pilots on 'NATO standard aircraft'. The understanding is that this started at approx beginning of Feb which if we give six months which most people give as a time scale, means the summer around August time on, could get interesting.
An attack in the summer and consolidate the gains before Winter sets in would make a Russian counter attack infinitely more difficult
It's interesting since except for a trio of retired FAA (ASW stripped-out) Westland Sea Kings, the West has so far provided zero NATO standard aircraft. So, presumably that's soon to change?
It's interesting since except for a trio of retired FAA (ASW stripped-out) Westland Sea Kings, the West has so far provided zero NATO standard aircraft. So, presumably that's soon to change?
It would be nice that the first anyone finds out about Western fighters etc being supplied is when they strike as part of a combined offensive supporting the new tanks etc...alas I fear I am dreaming.
Given that Russia doesn't have the kit to defeat Ukraine, I don't see Putin ordering an invasion of Poland or the Baltic Reps. That's the benefit of NATO, one Russian step into Estonia is the same as a Russian strike on Washington DC, with predictable repercussions. What benefit would that possibly be to Putin?
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Given that Russia doesn't have the kit to defeat Ukraine, I don't see Putin ordering an invasion of Poland or the Baltic Reps. That's the benefit of NATO, one Russian step into Estonia is the same as a Russian strike on Washington DC, with predictable repercussions. What benefit would that possibly be to Putin?
I'm not Putin's therapist, but I would not be surprised if Putin's thoughts would be "if I'm going to lose, I'm going to take everybody with me."
Nice. I believe this means that Putin can't visit or transit through any of the 123 countries that are signatories of the ICC, which BTW does not include the USA…
That's huge, perhaps the most significant step. He can't go anywhere. Except some notable parties: China, North Korea…

That's huge, perhaps the most significant step. He can't go anywhere. Except some notable parties: China, North Korea…


Actually, I don't think it will impact Putin much at all. China, India, the US and many other African, South American and Indo-Pacific countries are not signatories to the ICC.
Agreed. If anything, having the pipeline cut goes against US interests as it will result in more pressure on the Europeans come winter with calls (especially from the likes of the far right - see Italy now) to stop supporting Ukraine so as to come to some sort of deal with Russia.

Yep. I'm looking forward to seeing Leopard 2s, Challenger 2s, Bradleys, Marders, Spartans, CV90s, AMX-10s, PzH 2000s, Archers and the whole host of NATO-designed vehicles supplied to Ukraine rolling over the Russians.

Along the line of this thread, while not tanks, this is still a beautiful site to see... unless you are Russian.

View: https://twitter.com/Seveerity/status/1636862696971808769?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

(One comment indicates this might be filmed in Poland, but either way, they are heading to Ukraine.)
Russia will be getting desperate as it tries to win it's war with Ukraine.

Obviously, it's social media and misinformation campaign isn't working, so it's no surprise that they're going to try and stage situations in nearby countries to try and turn the population against supporting Ukraine.

Back in 2014, Russian FSB agents were detained in Estonia who had been trying to start unrest there.

What the EU needs to do, is start a media blitz with full disclosure, explaining what Russia will try to do, why they're doing it and to be vigilant against such activity.
Russia will be getting desperate as it tries to win it's war with Ukraine.

Obviously, it's social media and misinformation campaign isn't working, so it's no surprise that they're going to try and stage situations in nearby countries to try and turn the population against supporting Ukraine.

Back in 2014, Russian FSB agents were detained in Estonia who had been trying to start unrest there.

What the EU needs to do, is start a media blitz with full disclosure, explaining what Russia will try to do, why they're doing it and to be vigilant against such activity.
would have to be on tiktok as most young people get all their "news" from there and Farsebook

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