You're welcome - but... I'm not done yet Soren.
I have a list of things to research (typically about 1/3rd are for this forum). I put an hour, sometimes two into it most days. I don't usually allow myself any more time than that or I get nothing else done. I bumped this to the top of the list today since we both have an interest in this stuff. I'm sure it will come to the top again in the next day or two. However, usually about 90% of the good finds come in the first hour or so of searching - in this case a little more because I had to install a bunch of demos and rule out some (like "Design Foil" which just has a bad interface).
Anyway, please wait at least a week to plunk down the cash, as I might find something better. Also, give ProFili2 a good look, it's only $10 to register it, and then a snailmail delay to get the release code. It looks pretty damn decent for $10.