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Sep 8, 2012
Hello guys.
1) Does anyone know the colors for the MIG-23's camouflage in Angola?

2) Does anyone know the colors of the SU-15 Flagon TM deployed in Angola in 1976-84?

The Angola had one unit equipped with MiG-23MF i MiG-23UB. In fact these were the Cuban planes. According to pictures these colours were ( depending on a plane ) Medium Green, Pale Green, Brown ( Chocolate) and Tan... on tops and Light blue-grey on undersides. The covering of compartments with antennas of the electronic devices was of graphite ( dark blue-grey) colour. Red numbers on the front area of fuselages . These top colours becoming faded because of the weather conditions, etc....

Thanks Wurger, but if possible some codes about the colors, like the federal standard?

Or I have to look the Cuban camo.?
You may try to find the Cuban camo scheme. But I have a quick look at this via the net. Not too much was found honestly.

Here you are FS numbers for these colours approximately.

For tan ones... FS23711, FS30219 and FS30279 which is more of sandy tinge.
For the sand colour ... FS20227, FS23619
For light green... FS34102, 34126, FS34151
For dark green... FS24052, FS34082, FS34227
For the Graphite one... FS36118
For the Blue-grey paint... FS25526, FS35526, FS36375


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