you're an excellent photographer, you really have an artistic eye for the subject, and I must say the composite with the Tiger was fantastic! You should consider doing a book with that type of style.
Here's a couple of screenshots from the documentary "Revisiting the scenes of 'There's is the Glory'".
The first pic shows the Tiger II as it appeared in the movie. It was present in more than one scene, from different angles.
The second, rather grainy shot, is from an amateur movie made during the preparations for filming of the movie and shows a Panther Ausf.D being towed along Weverstraat, the towing vehicle, out of shot here, being a Diamond T recovery truck.
So according to the Dutch forum, the turret was turned for the movie. Originally it pointed to the right to the house, like you see in my composition. Later it pointed to the left like in the other images.
I must say the shots of the library books with bullet holes are very striking, really brings home the events of the time, and gives one food for thought.
I must say the shots of the library books with bullet holes are very striking, really brings home the events of the time, and gives one food for thought.