Anton Hackl

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 4, 2009
Yorkshire UK
Good afternoon (in UK),

Can anyone confirm if Anton Hackl flew Fw190D-9's and if so point me in the
direction of an image of this aircraft.

I read somewhere he flew Fw190D-9's, in JG11 and I'd like to build his aircraft.


Thank you both VERY much for your replies, they do add to my 'knowledge'!!

What I am really looking for is Hackl's Fw190D-9 and I've 'Googgled' my computer to death, trying to find it!!

Thanks again for your help and support,

At won't find one, JG 11 D-9 pic's are more scarce than rocking horse sh!t

Pictures of his identically marked A-8 and G-6 are well known but a D-9 for Hackl is sadly lacking...
Thanks for your reply Wayne - glum though it may be!!!!!

Considering the conditions, at the time he was Kommodore of JG11, do you think it would be a 'stretch' to mark his aircraft as Stab. Kommodore but with his personal insignia, which he carried on his A-6 and A-8 and a 'generic' late WWII Fw190D-9 camouflage?

I've lost all my references about Anton Hackl flying a Fw190D-9 in which he's "creditted" with 20 victories. (Second to Marquardt with 23.)

Regards and thanks,

Tricky one. By the time Hackl became Kommodore of JG11 a lot of experienced unit leaders were avoiding the use of Stab markings. You might as well paint a bullseye on your forehead where the P-51 boys were concerned...
Thanks for that Maximovitz, but in 1/48th. I'm not skilled enough to paint a bulls eye on a pilot - possibly Wayne!!!!

But - seriously - thanks for that; I suppose it's a bit like American officers, especially lieutenants, not having rank markings painted on helmets as they attracted snipers


Well, rocking horse sh*t is better than no sh*t at all, maybe you can dig a bit further? Doesn't Luftwaffe have their museum or something, have you tried to contact them?
Alas Lucky 13 I have not even the merest smidgeon of 'rocking horse' sh!t!!

I've contacted both the Bundesarchiv and the Luftwaffe Museum, but no luck!!

Anyway - how is Glasgow? I'm a Glaswegian. I lived on Ashto Road and when the wind came off the Kelvin, Byres Road was bl**dy freezing even in 'summer'. Don't know where you live - I went to Hyndland School on Cleveland Drive!!

Regards and thanks for your suggestion,



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