Any body watch the Kimbo farce

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Kimbo Slice is a glorified street fighter. You can go to and do a search for him and see some of his back yard fights.

Well, some dumb ars thought he would be the next big thing in MMA, so they signed him to a multi fight deal. They put him up against a couple tomatos and he won. His third fight they got him on this joke of a show on CBS. The guy he fought, James Thompson, would have killed Slice, but he had no clue what he was doing once he got Slice on the ground. Slice ended up winning by decision, which in my mind, he should have lost that one too.

But his 4th fight, they put him up against the 'former' most dangerous man in the world Ken Shamrock. Now, 15 years ago, Ken was a legit baaaaaaaad man. His fights with Kimo Leopoldo, Don Frye, and Dan Severn are legend. But he is now 44 years old and hasn't won in 4 years. Either the day before or the day of the Shamrock/Slice fight, Shamrock was sparing and got a cut above his eye. The athletic authority would not allow him to fight so they got a replacement, Seth Petruzelli, who was younger and 30 pounds lighter than Slice, but had little MMA experience with a 2-2 record.

The bell rung and, Seth hit him once which knocked Slice down. Seth jumped on him and pounded him to a 14 second submission.

Slice was a joke in MMA. He was an unskilled street brawler with no talent. OMG, if Slice would have faced one of the big boys, he may have been hospitalized in 5 seconds.
I heard about it, but didn't see any video footage of it yet. I kinda figured that once he got in with someone who was fairly good, he would get beaten. I never thought it would happen in 14 seconds though.
Yep, watched it from beginning to end. Pretty pathetic. I'm not much for this type of fighting (would rather watch boxing anyday) but it was clear to even me that Kimbo hasn't got a clue what to do if knocked to the ground. Actually took two punched to put him down, first one to knock him sensless and the second one put him on the mat. Didn't know what to do once on his back.
Did you see the female fight, that was more of a fight even though the gal from Minnesota was outclassed, at least it was a fight.
I saw the clip last night, it was a joke - so much hype to end in under a minute. Slice should stop fighting, go to hollywood and see if Mr. T will do some work with him....
No Matt, the fight if you want to call it that was on CBS this past Saturday night. Still wasn't worth the time I spend sitting in front of the TV watching it.
Kimbo also looked like he was hopped up on something. Eyes looked glazed over.
Or go back under the bridge in Miami where he crawled out of. I'm sure all this money he is getting will be gone in a year, after he buys his new crib, his new H2, the 5 H3's for his homies, the parties and all the b!tches and pays off all the baby momma's,

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