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On August 1st 1674, there was a tornado in the City of Utrecht. This is already very rare, but this one was even strong enough to let the mid-ship of the church collapse.


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Very nice Erich!The amount of detail in them is incredible!

Love the first 2 on your post Lucky! quite close to the nicest Castles I've ver Seen
have you heard the organ(s) play Chris in the Dom ? there was a very small and private service going on in the morn when we arrived in the right nave of the the clarity was incredible in that big stone building, the chap could really play the keys

quite an Impressive piece of Arch. we also visited Notre Dame in Strasbourg which was quite impressive, the Köln Dom is just so massive and almost overwhelming.

Ulm Cathedral with the largest church spire is another jaunt we would like to make, the gothic church you showed from Nürnberg Chris looks pretty cool
On August 1st 1674, there was a tornado in the City of Utrecht. This is already very rare, but this one was even strong enough to let the mid-ship of the church collapse.

Tornado? In Holland? And it destroys a church?

Talk about the hand of God...
Yep, that's what the protestants thought. The church had been Catholic in the previous years and the Protestants thought it was God who punished them.

Tornado's do occur here, about every 10 years or so. This year we had one up north, but not as big as in the US though.
Great pics guys.

I will post some pics that I have taken in:

Germany (various places)
Washington DC
Rome, Italy
Paris, France

I do not have time at the moment, Germany is about to play Wales.
Here are some more pics that took. These are not much as I was only able to get a few off of my Laptop at work today because my pindrive was full with school work.

Anyhow here we go.

I took these pics in Washington DC.

These next pics I took in Pisa, Italy.

These next pics I took in Rome, Italy and the Vatican City in Rome, Italy.

I took these next pics in Florence, Italy.

I took these next pics at Rottenburg, which is about 30 min from where I live.

These next pictures are of Colmberg Castle which is about 20 minutes from my house. Me and my wife spent our 1st Wedding Anniversay at this Castle in the "Queens Suite".


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