2nd Lieutenant
Seeing that some of locals (including me) have a great intrest in architecture, especially old one, I put up this thread to discuss, talk, post pictures and so on...
I'll start with my favorite place, which is Prague, of course. "The nicest town in the World"............ "Prague Hunderedtowered".............. "Golden Prague"..........
It would take a website as big as this one is to describe whole Prague architecture, so I'll start with the Hradčany - The Prague Castle: http://xenia.media.mit.edu/~verp/projects/praha/hall.html

I'll start with my favorite place, which is Prague, of course. "The nicest town in the World"............ "Prague Hunderedtowered".............. "Golden Prague"..........
It would take a website as big as this one is to describe whole Prague architecture, so I'll start with the Hradčany - The Prague Castle: http://xenia.media.mit.edu/~verp/projects/praha/hall.html