Are you or have you ever been in the Armed Forces?

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Not really, I was concentrating on not getting shot down. I have flown quite a bit of hot chicks while in the army. The best being the Cincinnati Bengals cheerleaders, they were great. I have a picture somewhere (as a matter of fact I posted it somewhere alrady here in this forum) and I will post it again.
I've got a question for you, Did you ever stop off in Bahrain? I've got fond memories of the US base there, as I had one of the best nights of my life at the "Desert dome" Needless to say I had a huge headache in the morning!
Wildcat said:
I've got a question for you, Did you ever stop off in Bahrain? I've got fond memories of the US base there, as I had one of the best nights of my life at the "Desert dome" Needless to say I had a huge headache in the morning!

No that I never did. We left Germany and flew straight to Kuwait. About a month later we flew across the burm into Iraq and speant a year there. We were allowed to go to Quatar for 4 days of rest and relaxation and kick back a few beers. When I went on my 2 weeks of R&R back to Germany, I flew down to Kuwait again and into Germany and back the same way. And when we left Iraq did the same thing.

I do have a friend who is in the US Navy and he was stationed out of a base in Bahrain for 2 years. He completely enjoyed it.
I only got to spend about a half day and an evening in Bahrain. It was just a fuelling and resupply stop for us before heading off to...somewhere.

Unfortunately I didn't have time to experience much, but it seemed like a nice place. We weren't allowed to stray too far.
VP-65 you guys flew or still fly Neptunes right? I think you got P-3s now?

By the way here is my unit patch:

B Co. 2-1 Aviation Regt.


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Very cool -thanks! We flew P-3s, as a matter of fact I actually buit some of the ones in my squadron back in the early 1980s, way before I went into the reserves. Talking about your past coming back to haunt you!
Welcome to the site, both of u fly and wildcat..

If u read the previous posts in this thread, I was a SEAL for a few years and did some cool things while in..... Panama, Iraq, Somolia, Bosnia, Liberia, and Haiti....... Too many stories to relate, and some I still cant talk about.........

Got out in 1996 with a Purple Heart and a Navy Commendation Medal for Valor...... That and a $5.00 dollar bill will get u 2 packs of smokes at a discount smoke shop in Haifa......

My Avatar is a pic of my fruit salad...... Funny now almost 10 years later, that blouse doesnt even come close to fitting me anymore.......

Oh how I long for the days of Youth........
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