Artesh photos

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بی تو مهتاب شبی ...

یه قدم زنی ۲ نفره ...

تو کوچه باغ های شاهرود ...


Bi to Mahtab shabi ...

Walking with your love ...

In the garden alleys of Shahrood ...

Somewhere on Shahrood - Bastaam rd.

Semnan Province.

P.s. : we were here on my girlfriend's birthday!

Some nearby attractions:

Abr Forest, Bayazid Bastaami Tomb, Mellat Park, Shahrood Carvansara.​
Nice shots!

Well, this one is not mine.

It is from a group of Volunteers , made up from Photographers, Models, Tour leaders, and ...

Their first goal is to show beauty of Iran in a different form.

My Girlfriend is one of them, too.

I am uploading some of their photos.
MP40 ...what stands for a 40-year-old Military Police.
A collection of War Heroes !!!
Some of them are twice retired! (more than 35 years of Service)
The youngest one is 65 Yrs Old!!!
So, it should be ART65!
and if you mean me, it should be MP24/5

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