Attatchments vs picture and viewing attachments vs viewing thread

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Dark Matter

Jun 23, 2009
Whats an attachment?

How do I make one?

How come everyone is allways weiwing attatchments in the oficial sig avatar thread?

Wy are ther so many people always veiwing the Signature/General Pics Upload forum?

I agree with these points.

1. ALso if you click the EDIT button n your post window and then click GO ADVANCED one you will find the MANAGE ATTACHMANTS button.When you click the one you will open a new window with a kind of a browser of files.Also you will find there icons of all file formats and their maximal sizes that can be upladed.You can upload five files at once.

2. Yep...

3. That's true.I have read on a few forums ( Polish and others ) they like and admire our siggies.

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