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RAAF crews flew many sorties with the 380th bomb group (b-24's) whilst we were building up our own Liberator squadrons, infact the whole 380th BG came under direct RAAF command, a feature I believe was unique during the war.
That Davidson was co-pilot of the Sleepy Time Gal B-24. So I have another plane to build.
**Eduard B-25 is on order
Picture attached is Not the Davidson crew, but is the plane in the background.
**This is what I have found for Stuart.
413969 Warrant Officer DAVIDSON, Stuart Hugh
Source: NAA : A705, 166/9/428.
Aircraft Type: Liberator Serial number: 42 – 110120
Radio call sign:
Unit: 530 Sqn USAAF
On the night of 28 October 1944 Liberator 42-110120 of 530 Sqn, 380 Bomb Group USAAF, 5th Air Force, failed to return from a mission to Macassar, NEI. The aircraft took off from Darwin at 1751 hours, manned by a RAAF crew of eleven. The following sequence of messages was received by Ops room No 380 (B) Group :
281420Z No 3 out, Position 06.25S 120.50E course 120deg true.
281555Z 2 engines out, posn 0800S 123.35E.
281628Z Not likely to reach base. No 4 giving trouble. Preparing to ditch.
Darwin obtained a bearing of 340deg at 281604Z. Search ships and 4 B24's immediately began search, and B24's, B25's and Catalinas on subsequent days were unable to locate missing aircraft or crew.
RAAF 408190 FO Harrison, A.L., Captain, (Pilot).
RAAF 413969 WO S.H.Davidson, 2nd Pilot.
RAAF 416078 Flt LT Cropley, A.A., Navigator.
RAAF 408590 FO O'Dea, D.J., Wireless Operator/Air Gunner.
RAAF 416861 WO K.L.J.Killen, Wireless Operator/Air Gunner.
RAAF 423587 Flt Sgt W.R.Barber, Navigator/Bombaimer.
RAAF 408448 Flt Sgt C.L.Wilken, Wireless Operator/Air Gunner.
RAAF 36474 Sgt S.H.Jamieson, Armament/Gunner.
RAAF 429432 Sgt J.E.Cook, Air Gunner.
RAAF 62526 Sgt W.J.Bird, Fitter 11A/Gunner.
RAAF 116993 LAC (Agt Flt Sgt) F.W.Anstey, Flight Engineer.
ARMY VX21828 Major Latrelle, H.R., AIF, Intel. Officer (Observer).
In 1949 it was recorded that the aircraft and crew were lost at sea.
G'day folks
I didn't realise that I'd missed the replies on this thread until now. Sydhuey, thanks for your posting and info, it's much appreciated. Especially the clear shot of Carsie. I don't have any further details about Chatt, but I know a bloke who is involved with the 3rd Group association, so I'll ask him.
The reference to the crash of "Chaatter Box" can be found here;
Pacific Wrecks - B-25C-1 "El Diablo III / Chatter Box" Serial Number 41-13088
My flying jacket artwork is coming along, and I hope to complete it and post pics shortly.
Matt, after service with the 90th BG and after a posting back to Australia Maurice Carse flew A-20 Boston's with 22 Sqn , he was the wingman to the Co WC Emerton when he was shot down on 30 Jan 44 and witnessed the aircraft crash and explode, he then did his final tour on B-24's out of Darwin, no wonder he became a priest with what he saw , Battle of Bismarck Sea on US B-25's a tour on RAAF A-20 Boston's including watching the CO shot down then finishing the war on B-24's.G'day folks
I didn't realise that I'd missed the replies on this thread until now. Sydhuey, thanks for your posting and info, it's much appreciated. Especially the clear shot of Carsie. I don't have any further details about Chatt, but I know a bloke who is involved with the 3rd Group association, so I'll ask him.
The reference to the crash of "Chaatter Box" can be found here;
Pacific Wrecks - B-25C-1 "El Diablo III / Chatter Box" Serial Number 41-13088
My flying jacket artwork is coming along, and I hope to complete it and post pics shortly.