Aww jeeezz, he's back again
The system tells me this is way, way too long, so I am going to chop it into 3 more manageable pieces. Thought I might offer some meat to chew on in the Avenger-Dauntless debate and toss in the Helldiver as well. So, Part 1 of 3.
First of all, as I go through this I'm going to use the generic "TBF" when referring to both the TBF and the TBM, and the generic "SB2C" when referring to the S2BC and the SBW; with apologies to the purists. Secondly, I'm going to deal ONLY with US carrier operations (but including USMC VMTB carrier operations) and leave out USN/USMC land based operations (even though the SBD served, essentially, to the end of the war as a land based dive bomber after being replaced on carriers by the SB2C and numerous land-based VT and VMTB squadrons toiled diligently right up to the end). Lastly, I'm going to address the Pacific war, only, and leave out Atlantic Mediterranean operations. I'm going to walk through the combat result statistics and see what conclusions can be drawn.
As we know, there were utilized in the Pacific two types of US carrier dive bombers, the SBD and SB2C, and two types of US carrier torpedo planes, the TBD and TBF. The TBD, already approaching combat obsolescence when the war started, was removed from combat operations after the Battle of Midway, replaced by TBF. The SBD served on carriers through July of 1944, being gradually replaced by the SB2C starting in November of 1943. An intersecting point for examining the combat operations for these aircraft is the common denominator, "action sorties."
An action sortie is defined as the number of planes taking off on a mission that resulted in an attack on an enemy target or in aerial combat, or both. The US Navy's basis for this calculation was the number of planes of one squadron taking off on a mission. If any of these planes had action, the entire squadron's planes on the mission were counted as action sorties, including abortive planes, planes that reached the target, but did not attack, and planes which escorted or patrolled, but did not engage in combat. Thus if 16 SB2C's took off on a mission, 2 returned early, 10 dropped bombs, and 4 did not, all 16 were counted as action sorties. Likewise, if 10 TBF's took off for a mission, and only 5 dropped torpedoes (or bombs) on the targets found, all 10 were action sorties. On the other hand, if 8 VF took off for a strike escort, and none engaged in any sort of attack or combat, then none were counted as action sorties, even though they reached the target, and even though the escorted bombers attacked the target. Alternatively, neither CAP planes missions, none of whose planes engaged in combat, nor search/strike missions that came up empty handed, counted as action sorties.
Yearly carrier based action sorties for each type were as follows:
SBD, 1,370
TBD, 182
TBF, 183
SBD, 1,213
SB2C, 247
TBF, 1,326
SBD, 3,468
SB2C, 11,687
TBF, 16,033
SB2C, 6,874
TBF, 18,518
Totals for the war
SBD, 6,051
SB2C, 18,808
TBD, 182
TBF, 36,060
These action sorties were sourced as follows:
From CV's
SBD, 5,852
SB2C, 18,808
TBD, 182
TBF, 18,254
From the CVL's
TBF, 6,379
From CVE's
SBD, 196
TBF, 11,427
There were a total of 147,094 action sorties flown from carriers of all types during the Pacific War, thus, these aircraft, flying a combined action sorties total of 61,098, comprised some 41.5% of all carrier based action sorties. Breakdown by aircraft type, as a percentage of the total:
TBF 24.5%
SB2C 12.8%
SBD 4.1%,
TBD 0.1%
The remainder of carrier action sorties (85,993 or 58.5%) were flown by VF aircraft: F6F, F4U, FM, F4F, with 42.4%, 6.5%, 8.8%, and 0.75%, respectively. Breakdowns by carrier type can be made for VF types, but since they really aren't germane to the subject, I won't bother. We can thus see that the TBF led in the 61098 VT/VB action sorties with 59.0% followed by the SB2C (30.8%), the SBD (9.9%), and, lastly, the TBD (0.3%)
With this information, we can now look at comparative loss rates. This will give us some idea of relative survivability. Losses were basically of five types, from enemy aircraft, enemy anti aircraft fire, operational action sortie related, non action sortie flights, and lost, but not flight related, while on the carriers themselves. Non action sortie flights and losses on the carriers have little, if anything, to do with the question of combat survivability, so, even though interesting, I won't enter those figures into our survey. Reported losses, overall were, to aircraft TBF, 27; SB2C, 18; SBD, 43; and TBD, 25. Losses to anti aircraft fire were TBF, 353; SB2C, 268; SBD, 40; and TBD, 11. Operational losses were: TBF, 231; SB2C, 218; SBD, 48; and TBD, 8. Total action sortie losses were TBF, 611; SB2C, 504; SBD, 131; and TBD, 44.
The percent chance, therefore, that a given aircraft would be lost on a given action sortie were, for the TBF: 0.07% to enemy aircraft, 0.98% to enemy anti aircraft fire, and 0.64% operationally, or 1.69%, overall. For the SB2C percentages were 0.10%, 1.42%, and 1.16%, or 2.68%, overall; for the SBD percentages were 0.71%, 0.66%, and 0.79%, or 2.16%, overall; and for the TBD percentages were 13.74%, 6.04%, and 4.40%, or 24.18%, overall. Thus the relative survivability on a given action sortie, by plane type, can be ranked as TBF, SBD, S2BC, and TBD. More importantly, the TBF results show it to be slightly less than 29% more survivable as the second ranked SBD (1.69% vs 2.16%). If we look at just 'combat' losses, i.e., to enemy aircraft or anti aircraft fire, the overall rates decrease. The overall percent chance a given aircraft would be lost to enemy aircraft or anti aircraft fire on a given action sortie were, for the TBF of 1.05%, the SB2C, 1.52%; the SBD, 1.37%; and the TBD, 19.78%. The relative survivability, then, on a given action sortie, by plane type, remains ranked as TBF, SBD, S2BC, and TBD, with the TBF slightly more than 30% more survivable than the SBD (and slightly more than 44% more survivable than the SB2C). The percent chance a given aircraft would be lost to enemy aircraft only, per action sortie, leave us with a ranking of TBF, S2BC, SBD, and TBD. The percent chance a given aircraft would be lost to enemy anti aircraft fire only, per action sortie, leaves a ranking of SBD, TBF, S2BC, and TBD. Additionally, the specific results for action sorties encountering enemy anti aircraft fire for the SBD, SB2C, and TBF (TBD data not readily available) reaffirm the SBD, TBF, and S2BC rankings in terms of (a.) Losses per 100 action sorties, (b.) Planes hit per 100 action sorties, (c.) Losses per 100 attacks with anti aircraft fire present, and (d.) Percent lost of planes hit by anti aircraft fire: for the SBD the results are 0.29 losses per 100 action sorties, 4.73 planes hit per 100 action sorties, 0.54 losses per 100 attacks with anti aircraft fire present, and 12%of planes hit by anti aircraft fire lost. TBF results were 0.91, 7.74, 1.45, and 19%. SB2C results were 1.28, 6.47, 1.76, and 27%, respectively.
These numbers pretty well dispel any theory that the TBF might be more vulnerable than either the SBD or the SB2C. Only in the case of loss percentages resulting from enemy anti aircraft fire does the TBF not come out on top as the most survivable and, even then, it was still almost 45% more survivable than the more predominant (in terms of action sorties) of the two dive bombers, the SB2C. Overall, comparing VT loss percentage per action sortie to VSB loss percentage per action sortie, the VT aircraft (despite the aura of the tragic TBD losses at Midway) come out far and away more survivable than the VSB aircraft. For VT aircraft, losses were (# of losses or percent of action sorties): to enemy aircraft, 52 or 0.14%, to enemy anti aircraft fire, 364 or 1.00%, operationally, 239 or 0.66%, and overall, 655 or 1.81%. For VSB aircraft, the same numbers are: 61 or 0.25%, 308 or 1.24%, 266 or 1.07%, and 635 or 2.55%, respectively. This shows that VT aircraft, generally, were slightly less than 41% more survivable overall and enjoyed survivability rates that were 71.0% higher for loss by enemy aircraft, 23.3% higher for anti aircraft fire, and 62.3% higher for operational losses when compared to the VSB aircraft the losses.
To digress some, in relationship to losses, how did these planes fare against their aerial opponents? We can look at five factors: a.) Sorties engaging aircraft, b.) Percent sorties engaging aircraft, c.) Enemy planes claimed and credited, d.) Number of type lost to enemy aircraft, and e.) Ratio of enemy losses to type losses. For the TBF, 429 sorties reported engaging aircraft. This was 1.2% of total TBF action sorties. 72 enemy planes were claimed and credited versus 27 lost. Thus the credited enemy loss to TBF loss ratio was 2.7 to 1. For the SB2C, results were: 237, 1.3%, 43, 18, 2.4 to 1. And for the SBD, results were 301, 5.0%, 106, 43, and 2.5 to 1. So we can see that the types were fairly evenly matched in their reported performance against enemy aerial opponents.
End of part 1 of 3