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A lot of honest players have told me about this forum.
They also tells me they don't like what you are doing.

If they are honest players why are they looking at this innocent little thread?
If they don't like it, don't look.

Maybe you know a little about airplanes,
but you don't know much about playing fair games.

We are not trying to cheat anyone out of a prize (is there one?) those of us who meet in this thread also are not too concerned about the scoring either, only discussing the fascinating images you put up there and seeing if we know what they are.

Either you know the correct answer of our quiz at once,
or you are searching for several hours trying to find it,

Yes, thats exactly what we do.

I think you are a looser if you have to get it from this forum.
Are you a honest avia quiz player, or just a cheater ?
Please ask yourselves what you want to be.

How can we be cheating? Like you said, we either know it or we don't, we don't have access to the answers in any form. If we know the right answer because we have recognised the image, how is that cheating? If I post (and you can check) that I think the answer is X and I HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED THAT ANSWER where is the cheat?

I think you are doing sabotage against a very good quiz.
and I think you should leave the game or stop this, at once.

And I think you are being far too sensitive about this and need to lighten up. Like I said before, if your other players are 'honest' what are they doing on here? We, after all, are only a small group of enthusiasts having a discussion which anyone is free to join in with, but other than that is nobody else's business.

The quiz, btw, is excellent and if you want more images I would be happy to help, but I think you are barking up the wrong tree mate.
Ok i think from now on, we should just give suggestions or help. Such as, if you have the answer, don't just give it away, but if someone asks for a hint or help, you should be more than open to give it to them. I think we should make this more of a thread that is a discussion between friends like "You know i don't really know this one, can you give me the nationality so that i can work from there." I think that this would be more appropriate. I agree that it kinda is cheating to just be giving away the answers. I like this because i'm not as good as the rest of you guys are and i need help sometimes, but lets not give away the answers, just hints. And hints that don't give away the answer :] if you know what i'm talking about :]

Hi Morten,
I e-mailed this site to you to seek your opinion, but I didn't expect you to ride in, guns blazing, posse in tow, calling us cheating varmints!

Settle down.

As the ringleader of the outlaw gang, I guess I'm 'guilty' of revealing answers from my investigative work. So what? I did not steal them, and there is no conspiracy. None of us will appear on time magazine.

I enjoy your site, but as I explained to you I find that it can be a "lonely business". I got the idea to discuss and seek answers for AviaQuiz from the blurb under the quiz photo…

"Some of these are not easy! Use google, your reference books, and other sources to help"

I expanded on this to include forum discussion.

Maybe you need to add an extra entry in the FAQ..


I also felt that a discussion, especially with struggling players, would lead to more interest in your site, more onlookers, and ultimately more business for Dauntless Enterprises. The "complainers"- are they from the top of the scorecard or the bottom?

If you have a spare lifetime, and thoroughly look through this forum, you will find numerous threads, started by me to create AviaQuiz interest and help a struggling player, me!

Since then things have improved, including my computer skills, thanks greatly to this forum, and I thought I could return the favour.
Obviously not.

Posting the answer or obvious clues is upsetting you and Mr 'AviaQuiz', and judging by your comments…

refrain from posting answers or guesses to active questions regularly.

I think you should leave the game or stop this, at once.

…I suspect that even making cryptic clues will not entirely satisfy either of you.

I'm done. I'll go quietly. I'm tired of living in fear, constantly looking over my shoulder and breaking into a cold sweat when the phone and doorbell ring. The Quiz police have arrived.
Hello "friends" and to you others who surely already hates me .

I love airplanes and I love talking about aviation with other people around the world.
We got the same great interest.

I was a player in the AviaQuiz for nearly two years.
Some of the images took me 20-30 hours to find,
others I didn't found at all.

If I instead could just go to this forum at once and pick up the correct answer,
it would be much easier for me on my way up on the ranking list in the quiz.

If I did that every time, would you call me a honest player ?
I would have felt I was a cheater.

And I would not have learned anything at all.

I will now respect the Administrator, and say no more.

I wish you all Good Luck in the future.
We are living on the same planet.
And we should be friends.

If some of you still have more to say to me,
hard or good feelings, please send me a mail.

Love to you all from :
The " AviaQuiz Policeman "
Morten F. Mørch

Email :

My website :
AARRRRGGHHH!! What's going on here? I'm away for a day and everybody is flaming. I didn't know that Morten is pissed off that much and one thing I would like to tell him if he reads this is that writing a post the way he had is not a good way to state someones opinion. Somebody will jump at it and the flame war is starting. We had a few of these in the past and I have to say that some of the moderators were not really helpful at times. Evangilder, please: just closing down the thread is neither helpful nor nice at all.

Morten, please: We are not cheating. And if as you wrote "a lot of honest players told you about this forum", and obviously have problems with this thread, why didn't even one of them posted here? You don't even have to register to do this. Most of us people in this thread - and I want to keep away some of the "ringleader of the outlaw gang"-burden from Graeme - are honest men with a lot of knowledge, a fancy for aviation history and very good manners, jeez some of us can even talk about things not related to aircraft. Mind you, I'm speaking of this thread, not of the whole forum. There's stupid people everywhere but don't think we are stupid without knowing us.

Waynos had a point and I think his cryptic hints are a good idea. For me it's an acceptable way to keep this thread alive, meaning keeping it interesting. But I won't accept - please be sure about that - I won't accept anyone telling me what do to or say. Then you may delete my account in the Aviaquiz if you think it's necessary, or maybe persuade the moderators to ban me here, but you won't tell me what I will say or do.

Mind you, I like Aviaquiz. I learned a lot there and I learned a lot in this forum, that's why I'm here. And that's why I did Aviaquiz and I read the rules before I did and there was nothing about "not posting in any forum and speaking (or writing) to other people about the pictures. If you check some of the older pictures and the people who answered correctly, it looks very much like at least some of them were working together or at least spoke about the correct answer. Mind you, it just looks that way but even then, it's of course allowed. I did the same with Graeme before this thread. And where do you draw the line? Speaking is o.k but email not? Telephone yes, but skype no? Chatroom yes but no forum thread? Please Morten, think about it. We don't do this to win something, we do this just for fun and please also keep in mind that your quiz (and the accompanying website) must have a lot more visitors/players now. Yes, you don't owe us anything, but we don't owe you anything either. And if you want to talk to me directly, send me a PM or ask Graeme, he's got my email address.

Morten, don't let this get personal or flamy again, but I thought I had to draw a line. Let's talk about it, but let's do it like grown-up people.

Evangilder, please, I want to come to a solution, a compromise with which Morten and the people in our thread can agree. For that I have to talk to them. I'm not trying to flame, in fact I tried to stop the flame war. O.K.? We could discuss this by PM but I think the other posters here should have the chance to give their opinion too. It's a discussion, not a war anymore. If it's starting to flame again, you can of course close the thread. I think all of us understand the threat.

I may be a bit thick but I didn'r really see any flame war here. Morten made his point, as he is entitled to do and a few of us have replied. I even offered any help I can give with the pictures for the quiz as I love photo quizes and had the now defunct Aircraft Picture Quiz on ATS which can still be found.

It all seems a reasonable discussion to me.
You're right, he made a point and he is entitled to do that, but it was the way he did it that got me jumping. Well, anyway. It's over now and it's better that way. Let's go back to business, but to be honest I'm not inclined to do as he wants. O.K. last word about that. Sorry evangilder, couldn't resist.

Next picture's coming up in a few hours.

In some few hours there will be a new images coming out on Dauntless AviaQuiz

I hope you all will be playing, and I wish you good luck and I mean it.

You may do this your way, I can not stop you.

Let me say, I do understand you, because I was a player myself.

Friends coming together, discussing the new image from a very nice quiz.

If it's important for you to do this the way you did, I do understand.

I could be one of you, you know.

But I'm also the maker of the avia quiz, and that puts me in a strange position.

I promise to do my very best for all you aviation lovers around the world.

The exelent Dauntless AviaQuiz must go on forever.

I have made my points, maybe in a not too good way.

Now, the war is over.
It's time for some peace.

Morten F. Mørch
Dauntless AviaQuiz.
Thanks Morton. I didn't expect that and I'm very glad it ends this way. Well, in some way you ARE one of us.

Ah yes, nice choice. One of the most beautiful aeroplanes ever designed and, legend has it, the inspiration for the Lockheed Constellation, which is another one.

Cryptically, I would say ' a mosquito minus seven' I don't think that gives too much away.
We were right then

There's a new one up. Wild horses and fast cars couldn't make me reveal the answer though.
Latest puzzler...

Pretty sure it's this, but no idea how to answer it 'cryptically'...


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