B-17 G 1:48 scale, 351st Bomb Group, 510th Squadron, AC# 43-37862, Fearless Fosdick

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Doing more research into the tail section and realized my worm gear motor is slightly off. Easy enough to fix. I intend to finish building up the internal structures today... fingers crossed. Attended an EAA meeting and model club today and finally got to go through Doolittle's civilian plane. Will post pictures later.
This front area is very tricky. I may need to put a couple of windows in before I frame them correctly around them. There are also several stringers missing. These will have to be added with stretched sprue.

I think I will put the windows in and tape them up good. Then put a little clear acrylic varnish around the edges to prevent paint and fumes from getting under the tape and attacking the clear plastic.
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I finally got the forward windows looking better and added stringers I saw in photos but not the kit.

Did some sleuthing as to the name and possible artwork on the aircraft. Fearless Fosdick was represented one of three ways. It depended on first, if there was a unit artist or not. Then it depended on advertising flyers that were seen by the crew during painting. With this in mind, I researched Fearless Fosdick and here is an ad that were circulated during that time for this aircraft.

...Along with the comic cover.

Now I'll show photos of bombers named Fearless Fosdick and see if you can find some similarities.

I'm seeing a trend aren't you?

Then there is the guy who got a hold of the comic book...

If there were no unit artists, or the commander was against art work, then the name was just written on the side.

I just need to look at other planes of that unit and look at the quality or absence of art work on their planes. If there are several examples of art work then I'll add a picture, if not then just letters will do.
Well after going through every photo available for the 351st Bomb Group, I have found that they did not have a regular artist. About 80% of the photos available did not have art work from what I could find. What they did have was a colligrapher. Most of those that did have art work were done around the beginning of the war. I am very certain that this plane only had its name written on it and I would bet that it would have been in the style or font of the comic book and odds are that it was written on the lower left side of the nose if not both sides.
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