B-24 ID Sought

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Apr 9, 2005
Colorado, USA
Does anyone have info on this B-24? I've seen photos of it before but would like to identify the name and squadron. I've tried Best B-24 Website and have not been able to find it yet in their library. Maybe someone here may recognize it.


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Do you have any more info?

It looks to be from the Pacific/CBI theater. The uniforms look to be from the tropics.

It's 7th AF, possibly 11 or 30BG, Funafuti, Tarawa, Okinawa, Saipan or Kwajalein. I've actually see this aircraft before and the nose art, I just can't remember the name. The photo was taken by my kid's great grandfather when he was with the 819th or 98th BS.
the art looks like snuffy smith and his dog bullet. so the aircraft name may be along those likes...great balls of fire...or bodacious.


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i had time to screw around online today an search for this. it does appear to be a 819th BS ac. i found pics of them ( as attached ) and they have the 500 series numbering. the 550 is the end of the tail number 44-40550 and everything else in the groups looked to be B-24-J-165-CO
some of the nose art was also of comic characters.

so searching B-24-J-165-CO 44-40550 now.

update: i found this statement...

I appreciate that unit history. The source from which I lifted that photo
(RUFF KNIGHTS (PIC 3)) gives a contract number of
44-40550 for Ruff Knights, so the pic had to be taken late in the
war...probably on Guam or Okinawa.

it gives the name tom riti as the pilot


go here! RUFF KNIGHTS (PIC 3)

no more history as of yet.


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so i found (pic 3) and (pic 4)...so obviously 1 2 have to be somewhere....
and they were.

here's the other side of the ac and one in color.


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The bombardiers name on this aircraft was Charlie West. I grew up next door to Mr. West. And was fortunate enough to know him. HE ONCE DROPED THERE BOMB LOAD ON A MOVEING JAPANESE TANKER. And was awarded the Air Force Cross. Unfortunately he had passed the only surviving member of the crew is the piolet. Ruff Kights Charlie told me was buried. In a vally in Hawaii along with 1,000s of other B-24 from the pacific theater.
That was my father's B-24. His was the first crew of that aircraft and flew it from Saipan and then later Guam. He was the aircraft commander and Charlie West was indeed the bombardier. The good news is that Lt. Col. Leonard V. Porter, the former AC of Ruff Knights is still with us. I hope to supply additional info soon as well as a crew photo.
That is a photo of my B-24, Ruff Knights. It was assigned to the 38 Bomb Sq. (30 BG) we flew missions from Oct.1944 thru Jan.1945. We were the first crew to fly Ruff Knights and named her. We flew 40 missions; 34 from Saipan and the remaining 6 from Guam. We flew bombing missions against: Iwo Jima, Yap, Wolei, ChiChi Jima, HaHa Jima and Truck Island.

On our 6th mission, the lead ship turned back due to mechanical issues and no deputy had been designated for this eventuality. Since there was no designated deputy, I assumed command and continued the mission. We achieved 100% bombs on target for the first time in two weeks and this resulted in the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross. We bombed a ship in HaHa Jima harbor (which was completely destroyed) and later damaged Japanese cruiser in ChiChi Jima harbor. Our aircraft was credited with downing two Japanese fighters. We took part in single plane night missions against ChiChi Jima.

I was the only crew member to remain in the service and retired in 1964 as Lt. Col. and as noted in a previous post I am the last surviving member of the crew (see attached photo).

For several missions we had a photographer named Edward Kamper, fly with our crew. He took hundreds of photos of our missions and probably of the crew. I would like to find any photos he might have taken but have found no mention of him or his photos since the war.


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Col. Porter - my kids great grandfather was in the 819th. Flew this aircraft, his name was Ed Chamberlain.


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