B-29 "Fifi"

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Just to let everyone know-the B-29 named "Fifi " is on it's last day at the Nashua New Hampshire airport. She flew over my house in Fitchburg Mass twice yesterday. The second flight took her directly over me at about 1500 feet. What an awesome sight! I plan to go to the airport to see her today and hopefully will have some pics to post.
Just to let everyone know-the B-29 named "Fifi " is on it's last day at the Nashua New Hampshire airport. She flew over my house in Fitchburg Mass twice yesterday. The second flight took her directly over me at about 1500 feet. What an awesome sight! I plan to go to the airport to see her today and hopefully will have some pics to post.
Soon to be joined in the air by Doc. The aircraft has been issued its airworthiness cert and ready for test flying.
Oh, I remember my old work.
Please let me dedicate it to Fifi and Doc :thumbleft:

You remind me of my father, NFN :)
When I asked him about the B-29s which he witnessed as an IJA soldier, he answered "The war was over 60 years ago. Mind your own business and contribute to your country !" :lol:

PS: For his honor, he talked a lot about his war experience when he was young.
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I'd suggest that a MkI Spitfire, 2 flying Mosquitos, and many other projects were also pretty big news in aviation restoration since Fifi's first flight.
that's very true, I was excluding aircraft I was directly involved with. Maybe I should have written that it is the biggest restoration in size, since Fifi.

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