Unfortunately the thread is not quite as informative as it was when I started the thread at Mission4Today in 2008 since several videos have been taken down in the following years but there is still quite a bit of useful information in it regarding the B-58.
I flew the F-16.. It was the last Fighter I flew in the USAF.. I absolutely LOVED that airplane.. it is a true thoroughbred with a LOT of capability.. as well as the performance to hurt its pilot.. What a gal she is!
I just Stumbled on a Proposal to use the B-58 as a Minuteman Missile launcher? I had never heard of this proposal before, Here are some drawings of several proposed versions with the ALBM (Air Launched Ballistic Missile) version requiring a 60 inch extension of the forward fuselage to allow the nose gear to retract. The missiles would need tail cones added to reduce drag prelaunch, and folding fins for use after launch. Interesting possibilities.
Having just seen a B-58 up close at Pima, I was surprised at just how small it was. I know I could have read the details in the past but seeing it up close just brings it home.
The original concept of the B-58 was that the big external pod would be a rocket powered missile. The liquid rocket engine designed for that application was built by Bell and called the Hustler engine. While the B-58 missile launch application was not pursued, that engine powered the Agena series of spacecraft, which saw extensive use.