Back hopefully!

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Dec 9, 2007
Revis Island.
I'm looking to get back into modeling, I think what did it for me last time when I just stopped was my pure frustration with the P-51 build. I think I'm setting that one aside and when I have a bit more patientce I shall return. Since I have 2 workbenches, I'll put the Do-17 on the smaller one and I'm going to start a new project. Maybe the Lublin? Now that schools almost back, hockey will be slowing down as well as my time being out with friends so I'll have more time to kill here.

Hopefully I can clear the workbench today and get back into it tomorrow (research blah blah blah).

Hope you all are doing well!
Nice to see you back Harry. And the Lublin kite sounds good. But I agree with Jan. Take breath and rest....

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