Battle Damaged Aircraft of WW2

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Agree there Chris. If the shells impacted and exploded under the skin, then that would account for the varied angles of the punctures, appearing as what I thought might be splinter holes, some of which might even be from 'chunks' of the Stirlings' structure disintegrating and blowing outwards.
A couple more to keep things rolling !




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You can only wonnder at the skill involved in landing a plane in that condition. Just lining up for the runway must be a nightmare. You can see the aircraft is fully loaded with some sort of RPV under the wing which wouldn't have helped.

Anyone any idea as to what happened, the only thing I can think of is a mid air.
Certainly could be. I was looking at the lack of any other damage. Also the paint job didn't strike me as being a front line scheme. I haven't seen such a large light stripe down the middle before.

I must stress that I am only guessing.
Did a little digging, and found out the story behind that particular B-52:

I also read that the pilot lowered the gear while inflight to help stabilize the's another view:


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I did not see these in the previous pages but I do apologize if they are duplicates. From Warren Bodie's book "The Lockheed P-38 Lightning", published by Widewing.



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My great uncle Pete was a side gunner in a B-24. I believe he flew out of North Africa and Italy. Here are a couple pictures of him and his aircraft with some flak damage. Close call.....


My apologies for straying OT - in my excitement I clean forgot this is WW 2 !

However, they are still amazing pictures of stricken aircraft, are they not ?

The jury are still out regarding the pic of the P-38 with the Halifax III fin wedged in the wing. Nobody has yet managed to ID the latter, which must have been seriously damaged irrespective of where the MAC took place, and therefore recorded in RAF documents at the time.

There are also pictures of an Italy-based B-24 which DID have an 88mm shell explode in the upper fuselage, blowing off much of the upper fuselage skinning and killing one (or two, reports differ) of the crew.

Many thanks for sharing the last two.




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This is the B-24 I mentioned earlier:



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Haven't posted to this thread for a while, so here's one picture...

Rotnik Peter Chebeň inspecting damage to his Il-2 which was hit by a flak during a combat sortie. Despite heavy damage on the wing pilot managed safely to return to base. Picture taken at airfield Poremba in April 1945.

Source: "Slovenske letectvo 1939-1945" Volume 3


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