It's like this. The Bf110 was the most successful twin of all time in terms of kills day and night. Ranked by high-score of the best ace*, it is third of all fighters behind Bf109 (Hartmann)and FW190 (Kittel), with Schnaufer's 121 kills. It may well be third of all fighters in total victories but good numbers are hard to find. It's in the running, anyhow.
The P-61? Totally irrelevant. Might as well have never existed.
* I rank fighters this way because to be well up on this list an aircraft needs to have seen a lot of combat over a period of time, keep its pilot alive, and be capable of getting kills.
The P-61? Totally irrelevant. Might as well have never existed.
* I rank fighters this way because to be well up on this list an aircraft needs to have seen a lot of combat over a period of time, keep its pilot alive, and be capable of getting kills.