BBMF Grounded.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
A short news article on BBC News has announced that aircraft of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight have been grounded, due to "engine issues".
The aircraft affected are the Lancaster, and the Merlin-engined Spitfires and Hurricanes. Apart from the term "engine issues" with the Merlin engines, no further details are available at present, although it has been suggested that this is a temporary situation, whilst the problems are corrected.
The Dakota and the Griffon-engined Spitfire PR19 are still cleared for flying, along with the two Chipmunks used for training.

Although it's wrong to speculate, I suspect that this is due to some problem with perhaps one engine, possibly with an aniclliary that could be, or is, common to all, and the 'grounding' of all Merlin-engined aircraft is a precaution.
Let's hope the problems are sorted as soon as possible.
Correction to the above - although not affected by the problems associated with the Merlin-engined aircraft, the Griffon - powered Spitfire PR19 is not currently flying.
One web-site quoted " a cracked pin" in one Merlin - what 'pin', and where in the engine is not disclosed..
Obviously not that enlightening, but as the BBMF now use civilian contractors for major service and engine work, it's sensible to take these precautions until the problem(s) is resolved.
I'm just hoping that this will not extend to civilian owned and operated Merlin-engine aircraft in the UK, given that many very possibly use the same engine / engine maintenance sources.
Pin doesn't tell you much. Could be top pin on the connecting rod attachment to piston.

I believe the achilles heel of the merlin is the gearing for the distributor from my understanding. I could be wrong though.

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