Confusion about V1650-9 power settings
The data indicates that the V1650-9 produced 2200+ hp with 90" Hg using water injection and about 1600 hp with 67" Hg dry using 130 octane fuel. Something is missing here: what is the power output using 145 octane fuel without water injection? Wouldn't it be about 2000 hp? And shouldn't the comparison being made be between the P-51D using 145 octane fuel (widely available since mid-1944) at 75 Hg and the P51H using 145 octane fuel at 80 Hg, and also using water at 90Hg?
Ray - to get caught up you need the NA-8284A-A Report- which has the Power Calcs for all boost settings.
Then when examining the Revised Power Charts for the 1650-9, note that the charts are expressed as HP vs a.) Static, b.) 500mph ratings and c.) 400 mph ratings. Thus there are no 'simplistic' HP ratings as a function of Boost.
When water ran out for the P-51H, it would still be able to produce power at 80 Hg, somewhat better than the P-51D at 75 Hg.
Another careful distinction - in most cases when comparing Boost vs Boost between the 1650-7 and the 1650-9, the 1650-7 has more HP up to FTH for High Blower - then the -9 (and -3) start to have an advantage.
From other sources, the max speed of the P-51D using 75 Hg was about 450MPH. The P-51H (not a P-51 at all but a complete redesign based on the P-51) at the same power setting was about 10MPH faster than the P-51D. We can now answer the central question: what part of the improved performance of the P-51H was due to improved aerodynamics and what part was due to using water injection. The P-51H gained about 10MPH from better aerodynamics and 10+MPH from using water injection. Was the overall improvement, 20+MPH, worthwhile? Greg says no. But what if the war in Europe had continued and the allies has had to face numbers of 335's and 152's. The extra speed would have been useful and the higher rate of climb even more so. Wouldn't have helped against the 262 though.
Simple question but complicated answer. The P-51H was superior aerodynamically across the full spectrum of Reynold's Number but for Boost settings below WI and Dry when using the Simmons Manifold Pressure System/Speed Density Pump, the 1650 was more powerful below 25000 feet at 67, 61 and 46' HG boost
What about the future? The Hawker P1030 and the Supekrmarine 391 both had projected speeds of about 510MPH using the 3500 hp RR Eagle engine. That seems to represent the absolute limit for a combat aircraft that the combination of reciprocal engine and propellor was capable of, at least using a WWII wing.
Thin line between advanced development tested with combat loads and an operation aircraft purchased and placed into service.
The XP-51G was clocked 1t 498MPH with 2000 HP Rolls Engine. If production ready the 14 S.M. would have been used instead of the 1659-9.