Bell XFM-1 Airacuda

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Thanks Wildr1, very interesting aircraft.
On the power issue, the first versions XFM-1 had turbo superchargers and the later did'nt, any ideas why?
If the guns where to be linked via the Sperry Fire Control ( GrauGeist mentions a Thermionic Director = Valves?) why were the gunners in the front engine positions?
In many ways it is very advanced design, radiators in wings, tricycle undercart, retracting top turret and who knows what else.
Lovely photos of interior.
Thanks Wildr1, very interesting aircraft.
On the power issue, the first versions XFM-1 had turbo superchargers and the later did'nt, any ideas why?
If the guns where to be linked via the Sperry Fire Control ( GrauGeist mentions a Thermionic Director = Valves?) why were the gunners in the front engine positions?
In many ways it is very advanced design, radiators in wings, tricycle undercart, retracting top turret and who knows what else.
Lovely photos of interior.
The gunners were there mostly to reload the guns, and as backups if the FCS failed.
Was this due to the lack of a slipstream?
Many mid-engined aircraft (pusher or tractor) had in-flight heating issues at one point or another. Some had the problem corrected (J7W1, P-39, etc.), others didn't operate long enough to have the bugs worked out (Do335, R2Y1, etc.).

Idling on the ramp or holding in a que waiting to go is hard on any water-cooled type, which can easily overheat without airflow, like the P-40 for example.
This might sound silly, but would it have been possible to have designed, from a production or (remotely) practical standpoint a twin-engine cannon-armed patrol-interceptor/escort plane (which could do the stuff the YFM-1 could do with more speed and agility) with either one crew-member and fixed forward-firing guns or, twin-crew, with a GIB operating the traversable gun?
This might sound silly, but would it have been possible to have designed, from a production or (remotely) practical standpoint a twin-engine cannon-armed patrol-interceptor/escort plane (which could do the stuff the YFM-1 could do with more speed and agility) with either one crew-member and fixed forward-firing guns or, twin-crew, with a GIB operating the traversable gun?

Yes. In essence, this is what the Me110 could be considered. Maybe somebody other than Bell would have done better
swampyankee said:
Yes. In essence, this is what the Me110 could be considered.
Well, what I was talking about was designing it so it could EITHER carry traversable turrets and two crew (pilot to fly the plane, and GIB to adjust the guns), or just one crew member (only a pilot) without traversable guns.

Also was there any other competitor? I've found little on this
Well, what I was talking about was designing it so it could EITHER carry traversable turrets and two crew (pilot to fly the plane, and GIB to adjust the guns), or just one crew member (only a pilot) without traversable guns.

Also was there any other competitor? I've found little on this
Well, what I was talking about was designing it so it could EITHER carry traversable turrets and two crew (pilot to fly the plane, and GIB to adjust the guns), or just one crew member (only a pilot) without traversable guns.

Also was there any other competitor? I've found little on this

There was an entry from Lockheed, but I think it was never built.
From what I can tell, the Airacuda was Bell's attempt to break into the fighter business and not a specific response to a "circular proposal" which is how the USAAC solicited design proposals in those days; therefore, there wouldn't have been a specific competing design per se. It may have inspired later designs (or certain features thereof), but I haven't seen any specific mentions.
YGBSM said:
From what I can tell, the Airacuda was Bell's attempt to break into the fighter business and not a specific response to a "circular proposal" which is how the USAAC solicited design proposals in those days
There was something called Project C which was for this type of aircraft. I can't really find anything else under it.

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