Best Aerobatic Team?

Best Aerobatic Team

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The best I've actually seen in person are definitely the Blue Angels. The Snowbirds are boring. The old Tutors they fly are just too slow, and while some of the formations are pretty, it's just not very exciting to watch. You've seen 'em once, you've seen 'em a hundred times. I wish they'd get some of the surplus CF-18's. They could put on some more Blue Angel-esque routines.
I would like to find out about the Luftwaffe team. I know they have one, just never hear anything about them. I believe they fly Alphajets. That might be why, not the greatest plane.
It's being looked into, but for now they're going to carry on as per normal. I really hope they're not disbanded. We've lost so much already, and this would just be another move in the sh*tty direction. :rolleyes:

I may not think the Snowbirds are the best, but millions of people do. It would be a shame to lose them.
the lancaster kicks ass said:
i say red arrows, and this is something i feel so passionate about that i might actually vote

Ofcourse you would because they are British. If the Red Arrows were to come out and say "We are the shittiest group ever to fly at an airshow and we are disbanding out of disgust and embaressment." You would argue with them and tell them they are the greatest thing since bread and butter!

I think we should put that to the test Adler........

I have heard that the Red Arrows are the shittiest group ever to fly at an airshow and are disbanding out of disgust and embaressment.

Whats your opinion?
i think that, being British, they are the greatest thing since bread and butter and i would waste no time in telling a member of the Red Arrows that.........
We should all be at Radio City what an act.

Roll up Roll up
For The Pratt Brothers
If you dont laugh you are either dead
or will be when we send
Les the Seal round

(I hope that meets with your approval)
(Seal of approval (get it))
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