Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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I'll go with the Hurricane any time in the bob but if you want it in 1943 The P-47M will shoot down a dora anytime (sorry for previous quote"anytime , everytime")
Chris we know that the Mustang did but the P-47 from the 56th fg or the 9th AF units ?? sorry I just cannot confirm nor do I have any type of Dora losses to indicate combat with P-47's.

lets see now

Doras in

several factory protection units
JG 2
IV./JG 3 stab and one staffel but they wer on the Ost front
JG 4 stab
I. and II./JG 6
JG 26
JV 44 Würger staffel - probably was in combat in it's intended role once
at least one staffel and Stab of JG 51 on the Ost front
III./JG 54 before transfer into JG 26
Stab of JG 300
II./JG 301, only P-51's that I am aware of ........

E ~
Yes but the Hurricane would have been outclassed by the Dora any day and I think that it would have been a much closer fight than you think between the P-47M and the Dora.
I think we are shifting from 'best bomer destryer' to 'dogfighter'

The Dora (at least the D9, the only who saw service in some number) was not primarily designed to tackle bomber, his armament was too light.

Also it depends 'which' bomber: for a medium twin engine (HE111, Ju88, Mosquito, B25 etc.) the armament of Dora, Spit, P51 was good enough, for heavies the only candidates for me are the 190A standard (proven), 190A-U2/U8 (proven but maybe too specialized) the 262 (proven), the Mossie and the Typhoon/Tempest (potential).
This are the only ones who have some reasonable chance to down a heavy with one pass, all the other fighters were too lightly armed

In my opinion the 4x20 model of the Hurri was too slow and obsolete to be effective in tackling a 4 engine at 25000 ft, same for the Bf110.

Of course night fighters are another chapter.
I have to agree with Erich. The 190 was built for the purpose of bringing those heavy bombers down there were flying over Germany. Her armament was purpose built for that.

190 all the way when it comes to bomber killer. The other aircraft especially allied ones were built with armament more suited for tackling the 190s and the 109s to protect those bombers.
Here is what I got on that. I could be wrong with some of these models though and Erich can clarify any of the mistakes that I have.

Fw-190V-1 through Fw-190V-54 which I will not count as varients.

So I believe there were 25 different varients of the Fw-190.

Fw-190A-0, A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, A-6, A-7, A-8.

Fw-190B of which only 6 were built.

Fw-190C of which only 9 were built.

Fw-190D-0 which actually was a A-7 converted to the D standard and only 10 were converted.



FW-190F-1, F-2, F-3, F-8, F-9

Fw-190G-0, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, G-8

Then ofcourse there were the Umrüst-Bausätze (factory conversion sets) and Rustzaetze (field conversion sets) which came to a total of 70 different sets.

There also were Fw-190Aa-3 which built only for Turkey and similar to the Fw-190A-3 of which 72 were delivered to Turkey. The a after the A stood for auslaendish (foreign).

The French also produced the Fw-190A-8 after the war for the French Airforce and called it the Focke-Wulf NC.900 and built 64 of them.
Adler, I thing there was also the 190A-9
Some sources say it was just a few prototype, others report about 800 built (I am going by memory here, but the dimension is that)
Maybe Erich can sort this out...
A-9 was the last A model to do ops, my cousin flew an A-9 in November of 1944 in 5./JG 301. Portions of JG 300 and 301 flew the craft till wars end, JG 1 had them and so did JG 3, JG 4, JG 6
imho an ultimate bomber killers are T-34 and M4A.
soviets did not bombed bomber factories, allies did not done it properly.
only occupation of territory provides "terminal decision of the question".

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