ok firstly this particular discussion is for heavy bombers, but it's ok as you proberly didn't realise............
secondly, yes the B-29 should be top, the rest of your list, and your reasons, are wrong. You say the B-17 could bomb by day?? yes she did bomb by day, but she also suffered heavy losses and was defenceless without escorts! all them defencive guns were pretty useless against a -190A with the ability to pick and choose where he's gonna attack from
and are you basing this entirely on their ability to bomb during the day?? the reason the lanc wasn't an ideal day bomber, was quite simply because she wasn't designed to be, would you expect a spitfire to go on long range bombing missions with a 4,000lb cookie into germany?? no, she wasn't designed to. She was, with the possible need for a ventral gun, idealy suited to night bombing and as it happens, from 1944, she did bomb during the day!! she made a total of 40,139 bombing missions by day, i know that's not as many as the B-17, but she DID bomb by day...........
and you've put the B-17 above the lanc on the baisis purely of their ability to bomb by day, have you considdered their actual overall ability?? have you considdered the lanc was faster, could carry significantly higher bomb loads and could carry those bomb loads considderably further than a B-17?? Did you considder that the lanc was compared in manouverability to much smaller twin engined fighters?? did you considder that the lanc was extremely versatile and could carry almost all weapons including the Dambusting mine and the heaviest conventional bomb ever used in combat?? did you considder the lanc was good enough to remain in RAF service until 1956 and even later in other air arms?? speaking of other air arms did you considder that the lanc was used by at least 8 other air arms all around the world?? Did you considder the lanc was converted into long range heavy transports, civilian airliners and future bombers and maritime patrol aircraft that would serve the RAF into the 80s? did you considder the lanc's use in the electronic warfare role??
think on it, and enjoy your stay............