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Here is just my question to all parties.
Is it or is it not true, that overall Panthers and Tigers were better designed than the average allied tank? Did they or did they not for the most part have better armor and better armament? Just a question...
I never like to comment on this type of question. It is an opinion thing with too many variables to be able to reach a definitive conclusion. One mans opinion is worth no more than anyone elses.
My opinion is that qualitatively the germans were clearly superior. But the 64 dollar question is by how much.... Allied and Soviet tanks were cheaper to build, so it gets down to the issue of how much bang did the germans get for the additional bucks they spent on their tanks. A Panther cost 2.6 times that of a Sherman, so are you better off having one Panther to 2.6 Shermans.......the equations gets very hard to make any conclusions aboput when you look at it in those terms
Share your fears. What exactly is it you are worried about?I can only state that of a few items I know, something do not make sense to me.
Is there a website that has all of the data and studies or is this something I can get fro, you?
How is it an opinion based thing? One tank has better armor? One tank has a better weapon, etc....
You have your Sherman and I will vote Tiger I
I don't live in a twisted world where a Sherman is superior to a Tiger I.
The 'opinion' thing enters the arena when you try and quantify the qualities assumed to mean 'better', better' armour, 'better' gun ect. If these were the only parameters then 500 ton monsters would automaticaly assume pole position in any race for 'the best'.
I would say a 'better' way would be to look at a tanks overall impact on the war. Thats when the complications arrive. One example? Germany thought she had pretty good tanks. However one she invaded Russia it was found the T34 outclassed everything she possesed. Thus at different times different tanks were 'better'. Many would pick the TII but others would say the circa 450 built and in service for under 11 moths had little impact on the war, that is when the 'opinion thing' comes into play
I don't live in a twisted world where a Sherman is superior to a Tiger I.
As I said I don't contribute to this type of thread because frankly there are large numbers who enter the debate 'knowing' the answer. Usualy it descends into name-calling and insult and I have better things to waste my time on.
I would say that my case is typical. Anyone who refuses to accept the percieved wisdom that the Tiger was 'it' gets lots of aggro from those who can't understand why he will not accept the obvious. Why bother even having such a thread if the answer is so obvious?
I do not think the Tiger was the greatest tank ever. Far from it. It was a heavy that had no real opposition for 2 years. It is easy being tough when you are being attacked by Pygmies. That said I never claim the Sherman was 'the best' either. Despite eveyone ASSUMING I did. Why is it that failing to back the Tiger for the job means you have to support the Sherman?
A tank is has to perform a number of missions and being a long range tank killer is just ONE ot its jobs. Wars are won by Infantry boots on the ground and tanks/Artillery/ships and aeroplanes are there to put those boots where they make the most impact. It is no good inventing artificial conditions where tanks sally forth to do individaul combat between the lines like lousting knights. In such acontrived meeting then the heavier armoured tank is bound to have the advantage. In fact I wonder why, in a thread where it asks which was 'the best' tank is it considered that heavy armour and large gun is considered THE critical factor.
I think the most succesful tank nation was the Soviets. They consistently produced good all round types that did everything the finely honed Western or over-engineered Panzers types ever did did and at a much smaller cost.
There I said it now tell me how stupid I am because I don't accept the obvious.
1. No one said you were stupid, so why bring it up?
Does that make them stupid, or not worthy of your "great knowing" conversation?
(which you probably do not care about, because I am ordinary, obvious, and probably not "tank intelligent enough").
! But then again you don't carry on those kind of conversations with us normal people...
7. Though the Tiger and Panther were overall better tanks, the were not war winners, because the allies could produce "good and reliable" tanks in mass numbers and very cheap.
There now tell me I am stupid...
Share your fears. What exactly is it you are worried about?
Do you think that the Sherman was not as flammable as previously thought or are your concerns limited to studies on German tanks?
Could you be more specific about your doubts.Worried? I'm not worried about anything I was just asking questions on the data. The questions I was asking you were about the data you were presenting in regards to the German tanks.
Well, since this is a thread for your favorite tank I picked the Pzkfw Mk IV.
Because I like the way it looks.
I don't care that a bazooka could take it out. Or the box shape was obsolete.
I like the way it looks.
Argue all you want about armour thickness and gun barrels and engine strengths....
I like the way it looks.
It did ask what my favorite was without any qualifiers, right?
Can I just point out that the job of a tank in World War II was not to destroy another tank, however the tanks greatest enemy was another tank. And I can I also point out that the three features of a tank that are a required element, if it is to be the best of the best are mobility, firepower and protection.
The major issue in tank debate, however, is down to the fact that different 'tanks' are built for different roles. The Tiger I was never built to fulfil the same role as the Sherman, it was a "Heavy/Breakthrough" tank, designed to destroy the initial enemy resistance and open gaps in the enemy lines. The Sherman was a "Medium/Cruiser" tank, it's role was to capitalise on any break in the enemy lines and run riot behind them, thus preventing the enemy from re-grouping, the Wehrmacht equal was the Pz.IV.
The Western approach to warfare saw other methods of breaking the enemy line (artillery/airpower/numbers) thus used the easily built Sherman which was supported by Tank Destroyers; the Destroyers remove the tank threat, the infantry remove the anti-tank threat, the Sherman runs riot.
The German approach was to have tanks capable of that initial breakthrough and have the smaller, faster armour run riot. Imagine the short-barrel Pz.IV as the Tiger I and the late Pz.IV as the early Pz.III.
What I'm saying tank was designed for the sake of it, so to compare them equally and on a fair and level playing field you should ask "Were they the best at what they were designed to do?" Because the Tiger I would blast almost any other tank in the war to pieces without problem, but a T-34 would drive from Moscow to Berlin without missing a beat.
As I said when I was first asked to comment there never seems to be any middle ground and it always starts to get personal. It is my own fault for bothering to reply.
m kenny said:The Tiger and Panther had much better armor than just about anything the Western Allies put out in the field in any large numbers
Not true. There were Allied tanks that had as much armour as the Tiger. The Churchill, as designed had frontal armour of 88mm compared to the Tigers 100mm. By the Time of Normandy the Churchill frontal plate was 150mm. The IS2 had slightly thicker armour but much better slope.
The Panther had a good Glacis but very thin sides. As some 80% of hits were on the sides/rear then the glacis only helped in the 20% of shots that hit the front.
m kenny said:The Tiger or Panther would beat most western allied tanks one on one, most of the time
This much talked about scenario is a staple of these threads. One-on -ones were never a consideration in any tactics manual I know off.
m kenny said:I see this is going nowhere. therefore I retreat to my initial position-i.e. I see no point in this type of thread.
As I said I don't contribute to this type of thread because frankly there are large numbers who enter the debate 'knowing' the answer. Usualy it descends into name-calling and insult and I have better things to waste my time on.
I would say that my case is typical. Anyone who refuses to accept the percieved wisdom that the Tiger was 'it' gets lots of aggro from those who can't understand why he will not accept the obvious. Why bother even having such a thread if the answer is so obvious?
I do not think the Tiger was the greatest tank ever. Far from it. It was a heavy that had no real opposition for 2 years. It is easy being tough when you are being attacked by Pygmies. That said I never claim the Sherman was 'the best' either. Despite eveyone ASSUMING I did. Why is it that failing to back the Tiger for the job means you have to support the Sherman?
A tank is has to perform a number of missions and being a long range tank killer is just ONE ot its jobs. Wars are won by Infantry boots on the ground and tanks/Artillery/ships and aeroplanes are there to put those boots where they make the most impact. It is no good inventing artificial conditions where tanks sally forth to do individaul combat between the lines like lousting knights. In such acontrived meeting then the heavier armoured tank is bound to have the advantage. In fact I wonder why, in a thread where it asks which was 'the best' tank is it considered that heavy armour and large gun is considered THE critical factor.
I think the most succesful tank nation was the Soviets. They consistently produced good all round types that did everything the finely honed Western or over-engineered Panzers types ever did did and at a much smaller cost.
There I said it now tell me how stupid I am because I don't accept the obvious.