best fighter of ww II

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C.C. the Okha was a Japanese kamikaze rocket. The Japanese copy of the Me-163 was the Ki-200 Shusui and was, as far as I know, simply a direct copy of the German rocket plane.
yeah i found out it was the Ki-200 shortly after i made the post, as far as i knew the okha was the only japanese rocket.

and the 163 wasnt very good at all, it killed more german pilots that it did allied pilots
HAPPY [belated] BIRTHDAY, Lanc. - You are a Gemini perhaps...? - I've recently just had my birthday too....- Now, didn't they use Buffalo's in the Far East initially ?...Came off poorly against the Japs, although they had some particular virtue, I just can't quite remember at present - I'm checking that out. The Me 163 was a flying-bomb, literally, and disrespectful to have expected pilots to fly them, but the idea was a short fast ascent to the US bombers, a squirt of 30mm's, and down again...wouldn't want ONE bullet to hit it though...- I always felt the Ar 234 more reliable than Me 262's, although they weren't really into a 'fighter' version....The Me 163 and the He 177 were both rather dismal failures, the 'Grief' probably did more operational service though...- And since the Mosquito's been mentioned, it's my natural choice of Best Fighter, but when it comes to 'kills', we've all got our own ideas there...I'd probably choose the Spitfire......
Buffalo did see some service with the RAF in the far east but were no match for the Japanese fighters (even with the British cutting armament and fuel to save weight).

The Mosquito was a great aircraft but I don't think it should be considered for 'best fighter' since it wasn't used very much as a true fighter (it was probably the best night fighter of the war but in my mind that's different). I think the 'best fighter' should be an aicraft that had considerabl success and impact in the air-to-air arena.
I'd go the Spitfire Mk. XIV as the best, it's range wasn't amazing but it was the best dogfighter. So a perfect defensive plane.

The P-38 would get my vote for best offensive plane because of its range, manuverability, payload and survivability.
good, ill agree with that.

gemhorse, the 177 did see more service than the Komet, they built over 1000 He-177's and only about 100 Komets, but im not sure on that fugure.
Those seem to be pretty good choices Plan_D. But, as we have discussed, the Lightning would have been an amazing defensive plane if it had the chance (that was what it was designed for anyway).
Yeah, I agree with that assertion LG, I'm chuffed you believe the Mosquito to have been the ' Best Nightfighter ' of the War, something I too believe...That's why I put Spitfires, and although the Mk.XIV is my personal favourite variant, overall they were successful fighters - I'm really amazed in my research how the Germans never won, because some of theirs were potentially excellent aircraft...the Fw 190 series culminating in the Ta 152 , the Do 335 , and the Jets...well...there was one that really was MOST unique, the Gotha Go 229, which if they'd got that up out there sooner, would have been truly formidable...apart from the speed, [607 mph @ 39,000 ft], and 4 X 30mm's , had awesome handling-characteristics...- Apart from all that though, the 'Best Fighter' Trophy should really go the the P.51 Mustang, whose presence throughout most of the War in it's different models, in different Theatres, really did make a profound difference....
so the air is clear, you do know that the Do 335 was never operational and was only being tested by war's end..........

the Ta 152H is still top notch as a piston engine job...........
Hello Guys. I'm new to the board so I thought I'd throw in my .02. I truely think the BEST fighter is a matter of personal preference. There's so many that were top notch planes.

Mustang, Corsair, FW-190, Spitfire, ect.

There are many that are not too far behind and a good argument could be made for them.

The kill ratio of the Hellcat. The Hurricane. The Thunderbolt. The Lightning. The total kills of the Bf-109.

In my opinion, I'd have to go with the Corsair. The Corsair was extremely fast, could outdive a P38, outmanuever a Mustang, and outroll a Hellcat. But you know what guys.......I don't think you'd go wrong with ANY of the above mentioned planes.


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