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I'm not ignoring tactics mkloby, I'm just being realistic here. How on earth are you going to catch a speedier and much faster climbing a/c which has been diving at someone at 750 -800 km/h and starts climbing back up again with alot more energy than you ??
My point is that diving at high speed doesn't equate to an instantaneous quick kill.
Neither was 2,000 for the mustang...
and 2300 miles with drop tanks...You stated the Ta 152 had a range of 1250 miles WITH tanks. Hardly a long range fighter when compered to the mustang...The Mustang has a range of around 1,300 Miles with 269 gallons of fuel - thats full internal fuel load
and 2300 miles with drop tanks...You stated the Ta 152 had a range of 1250 miles WITH tanks. Hardly a long range fighter when compered to the mustang...
I stand corrected but with that said the Ta 152 did not have the ability to fly the missions the P-51 or later P-47s did which amounted to over 2000 miles. Was one ever used with drop tanks? A Spitfire V had a range of 1,100 miles, it wasn't close to being considered a long range fighter.FLYBOYJ, I never stated anything about drop tanks, what I said was; " 1,250 Miles is on internal tanks"
The range of 1,250 miles is with full 'internal' fuel load - no drop tanks. So yes, the Ta-152H is infact a long range fighter.
Could of, would of, should of. Soren, I agree the Ta 152 was a wonderful machine, but in the snapshot of history we are discussing, it was far from being deployed or being a long range fighter that could of matched in range. The Spitfire could be fitted with a tank as well and again it was far from being considered a long range fighter...Fact is the Ta-152H flew just as long as the P-51 on the same amount of fuel. And yes the Ta-152 could be fiited with a drop tank, a small or large one.
Tell me how many missions Ta 152s flew escorting bombers over the UK or USSR?????I don't get what it is you're saying, the drop tanks were there to be used FLYBOYJ, just like the P-51's drop tanks. The Ta-152H had available a 600 Liter drop tank if the mission demanded it.