Major General
Allow me to explain all this to you. Mosquito in 1942 was already as important as the Ju 388 or AR 234 were in the late war. Probably the Ki-67 too. You are trying to say that the Mosquito doesn't count because there were relatively few operational in the early war. There were relatively few of a lot of good types. There weren't that many Pe 2s yet either for example.
There were a lot more PE-2s in 1941 than there were Mosquitos in 1942. The Mosquito was performing a lot of important functions in 1942. Recon and nightfighter, but unarmed fast bomber was barely on the screen, a few newspaper headline raids with heavy losses. The two squadrons that used them in 1942 were switched to night bombing/pathfinding in 1943 to reduce losses. Again it is timing, what the Mosquito accomplished from 1943 was amazing, but it was not that significant a bomber in 1942.
Then use your own criteria but look at it honestly. Range and speed of a Hurricane II with two 250lb bombs, or with two 500lb bombs?Most of the fighters as well as the bombers fighting in 1942 were 1930's or very early 1940's designs, made when they couldn't anticipate the full realities of war. They didn't know how many bombs Hurricanes and Kittyhawks could carry in particular. Nevertheless, that was the competition. I'm not saying that designers in the 1930s should have anticipated every nuance of how the war actually turned out in 1941-45, they didn't even know there would actually be a war or who would be fighting on what sides so how could they.
Hurricane I didn't carry any.
Pair of 500lb bombs on a Hurricane II knock about 30mph off the speed.
And please remember that the Hurribomber used the Merlin XX engine of 1940, Kittyhawk range and speed carrying a 250 or 500lb bomb?
Now compare range/speed to the Blenheim or Marylander let alone the Baltimore or Boston.
As SHORT range bombers the fighter bombers could do good work but quit saying they only had a bit less range than light or medium bombers. Blenheim could carry four 250lb bombs, or two 500lb bombs 1400 miles. It could also carry numbers of 40lb bombs in small bomb containers for certain targets. Other light bombers had similar capabilities.
Some mid-war fighter bomber missions seem rather wasteful. Hurricane IVs with a drop tank under one wing and one bomb or four rockets under the other?
P-38 raid on Ploesti, one 300 gallon tank and one 1000lb bomb per plane?
BTW raids on Ploesti (or other Romanian targets) need to take into account the state of the defenses. Numbers/types of AA guns and numbers/types of defending fighters against any given raid.
Blenheims, Marylands, Baltimores and Bostons. The latter three types, though they did not carry much heavier bombs loads than a Kittyhawk necessarily, proved 'competitive' because they were adapted successfully to their missions.
What we don't know is how far the Kittyhawk could carry heavy loads. It also seems that the not all Kittyhawks carried the same load. The 1941-42 Kittyhawk Is and Ia's were rated to carry one 500lb and two 100lb bombs. When or if they were modified to carry heavier loads? By the time you get to the Kittyhawk IV the plane could officially (in the manual) carry two 1000lb bombs and one 500lb (no mention of how long the runway had to be.) The KittyHawks IVs that attacked the Pescara river in May of 1944 carried one 1000lb bomb and two 500lb bombs according to squadron records. It was noted that the Kittyhawk IIIs were only rated to carry 1000lbs of bombs totoal.
One of the planes used in the Pescara raid but this is almost one year after Sicily let alone North Africa.
I have seen the photos of P-40s with six 250lb bombs. Exactly which model P-40 and what was done to allow this ( limited ammo?, guns pulled? less than full fuel tanks?) I have no idea. Getting a P-40E off the ground at 1000lbs over max gross weight in tropical conditions might have been a bit exciting however as in a long period of boredom with several seconds of terror as the end of the runway approached
However there were alot of missions these fighter bombers could NOT do that the light bombers could do to range.
Let me help your analogy along a bit and clarify it. If you try to make it a starting point, then what you are actually doing is creating a filter or a funnel. You are placing bomb tonnage carried as a higher criteria than accuracy or survivability or range or servicability. All of which are actually equally important.
I did say starting point didn't I? Range is pretty much equally important. Serviceability is nice but if you can't reach the target, or reach it with a worthwhile bomb load the most serviceable planes in the world are useless for the mission. You have to reach the target with a worthwhile payload, then you can worry about the other stuff.
This is one reason the A-20 was not popular in the South Pacific (and the A-24 even less so) as it didn't have the range to reach many of the targets the Allies wanted to hit.
Fighter bombers in 1942 in that theater?
Once you can reach the target you can worry about (or rate) accuracy (which also depends on crew training and bomb sights and tactics in addition to the characteristics of the plane).
Survivability somewhat depends on the enemy, not all enemies were the same and even some enemies changed their defenses considerably in a short period of time.
Survivability becomes somewhat subjective. PE-2s vs Romanian PZL 11Fs and PZL 24Es or survivability vs Bf 109Fs?
Stukas vs the British and French AA in 1940 or Stukes vs the American AA in 1942/43 ?
I can find bomb loads and range (not always accurate), trying to find actual data (not opinion) on survivability is an awful lot harder.
Poor accuracy and a miserable survival ratio in combat restrict options. Poor range restricts options. Poor serviceability restricts options. The Hampden bomber carried a heavier bomb load than the A-20 or Pe-2, but does anyone think it was a better bomber? The Whitely carried more than the A-20 and the Hampden combined, but what kind of dent did it put into the Axis cause compared to say, the Mosquito,
As to the Hampden, it somewhat depends on what the target is
Hampdens were used for dropping sea mines and did attack (not very successfully) the Germans ships at Brest and other places on the French coast. The Scharnhorst was hit according to some sources by three 2000lb AP bombs (not dropped by Hampdens) The Hampden however could carry two such bombs over distances from England to Brest.
The A-20 and PE-2 could not carry one such bomb. Hampdens also were used to attack German industry but British night bombing techniques were pretty poor in the early part of the war regardless of the bomber airframe used. Assuming an A-20 could even reach some of the targets in daylight it might not have done much damage and suffered high losses (early A-20s only held 400 US gallons of fuel). By night the A-20 is using one less crewman to deliver 1/2 the bomb load with no better accuracy.
Whitley was sort of two engine heavy bomber, it was never intended to operate in daylight. During the phony war it did leaflet raids as far as Warsaw Poland. It Bombed Northern Italy right after the Italians declared war.Damage may not have been much but could the A-20 or PE-2 do either mission?
There were only 1814 built and 160 of those were not being used as bombers before WW II started (Tiger engines banned from over water flights)
Whitleys did perform a number of roles rather unrelated to bombing so impact on the war is hard to judge.
The last is certainly shifting the goal posts. Many late war medium bombers didn't come close to the impact that the Mosquito had. however a large part of the Mosquitos impact was marking targets and keeping them marked for the four engine heavies. The Mosquitos increased the accuracy of the 4 engine bombers and so acted as a force multiplier.
So does this mean the KI-67 and Arado 234 were crappy bombers because they had little impact on the allied cause?
I guarantee D3As could have sunk the Hipper, if Skuas could lay a bomb on it. SBDs as well.