Best naval fighter II

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The Shiden was probably closer to the Corsair (particularly the -1D) at low altitudes. But I would imagine there would be a pretty noticable difference in performance starting as low as 15,000ft or so.
Combat in the Pacific was generally fought at lower altitudes. But the since the P-40 and P-39 had problems due to their poor high-altitude performance, I believe things would have been similarly true for the Shiden.
Shiden design was slow and troubled as stated. Yes they had the best pilots and as Lightening guy says repeatedly the pilot is the key to all this. with that in mind the kills that the Sheden has is not that unthinkable. If we agree that the average USN or USMC pilot might have 1 or 2 kills over the war, in the last few years that is I think a good number. So the Japanese pilots who to start with have to go through a very hard program anywho. Those who survived would get to move on and keep gaining mre combat time. Also we have said that the Japanese were in China by 1936 flying and we were not until the earliest about 1939-40.

The Japanese engies were plaged by poor quality latter in develipment and by b-29 bombing. The Ki-61 program is a good excample of that.
it wasn't just the engine, the fuel wasn't exactily the best quality aviation fuel, it had a large quantity of alcohol in it as well.....................
By 1945 the Japanese had almost no ability to refine gasoline left. As a result they were almost left with using crude oil as aviation fuel, hardly a good idea.
In the book Zero, Masatake Okumiya describes the situation Japan was facing at the end of the war. The were literally dragging people off of the street into the factories. As expected, quality control went to pot.

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