Best Piston Engined Fighter Ever

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Speaking of dissimilar a/c in a dogfight, I wonder if a fighter like Mig 21,23 or even 29 ever got in a low level dogfight with an A-10? What would youralls opinion be about that match up?
Speaking of dissimilar a/c in a dogfight, I wonder if a fighter like Mig 21,23 or even 29 ever got in a low level dogfight with an A-10? What would youralls opinion be about that match up?
An F-86 shot down a Mig-21 during one of the India-Pakistan conflicts. If that isn't dissimilar I don't know what is.
Overall I think it is a given that the 21, 23, and 29 have the upperhand on the A-10. However the A-10 is maneuverable and with a good pilot could deffinatly give them a run for there money. The scenerio would more than likely never happen though...


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lmfao, yea, 10 years ago and I could possibly agree, right now I'm just a mid-level badass who occasionally gets to run around the jungle, making believe he still has it....

Ahhh I you are a retired mean SOB ass-kicker who now is has fallen to the level of mid-level badass weekend warrior? (I mean that with 100% humor and respect....)

:lol: :lol:
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