Best naval fighter

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Just as a cool side note, the only US Navy ace of the Korean War flew the F4U Corsair. And one Corsair even managed to shoot down a MiG-15! Not bad! 8)
jj1982 said:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but trying to tell Mr bronzewhaler he knows squat is not the best way to make friends and influence people! From the pages before, it is clear to myself and others that bronze appears to have his facts straight whereas you, as bronzewhale so equontly put it...are a tad mentally unstable.
Whilst i am here and in a particulary viscious mood...True American?????Dont make me laugh please....coming from a country all of 200 years old...the country is a joke as well as the people! f**k hell Viper....sort it out!

Sir, I am an American, and I can assure you that I am not a joke, nor is my country.
honestly.........No am only joking mate....Viper just stuck in my claw...I apologise to all you americans out there! Sincerely
well.....i was in here half the bloody been in here half the bloody morning researching for my Ju88 thread! Christ this forum is addictive!
christ.....thankgoodness i'm not on pay as you go internet access...would cost me a small fortune!
Right then CC, thankyou sooo much for your idea of Ju88 vs The Wooden is all up now so please, help me argue the Ju88's case....i have a funny feeeling that I am gonna get hammered by everyone who is gonna proclaim the mossie as a better aircraft! (Although i dont think so!)
Quick on-topic post:

I'd go for either Sea Fury (if it counts - a bit late I know), or if not then the F4U and N1K2-J get my vote.

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