Best naval fighter

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A lot of factors to consider here. Are we talking best in terms of overall performance? In that case it's the corsair hands down. But what if we factor pilot quality in? An average pilot in a Corsair will prove why it was called the "Ensign Eliminator." And what if we are talking about impact? The F6F Hellcat flew more sorties that any other American carrier plane, had far more kills, was easy to fly. Furthermore, it is hard to overlook a 19:1 kill ratio. For that reason alone, the Hellcat gets my vote.
But according to you on the 'Best Fighter' thread we should consider only planes that were there from start to finish, that's the Corsair and the Hellcat out of the running.
So, the Zero is the best.

In reality the Shiden is the best.
Yeah, as far as planes there from start to finish it was the Zero. I think the Wildcat was the only other fighter there from start to finish. The Shiden was more maneveurable than a Corsair, but it didn't have the power (aka speed and climb) or dive of a -4 Corsair meaning a Corsair pilot can disengage almost at will. Furthermore, the Shiden couldn't do a thing a high altitude. Get above 20,000 feet or so and the Corsair should own it.
A quick glance at some resources I have show that the Shiden's top speed was 369 mph and I haven't seen anything higher listed. A -4 Corsair could make 446 mph at altitude and climb at 3800 fpm.

Another note, the Shiden wasn't carrier capable (as far as I know). Are we defining Naval fighters as fighters operated by the navy or ship-borne fighters? Plus I think that the A7M would have been even better that the Shiden (if it had reached service that is).
the shiden was designed as a land based intercepter, but the only reason it wasn't used on carriers, was because the japs didn't have any to put them on.......................
A couple of notes, believe it or not, the Wildcat's kill ratio against the Zero was actually slightly in favor of the Wildcat (incredible when you consider that diving was about the only thing a Wildcat could do better). I know it didn't see combat, but the F8F Bearcat was operational before VJ Day and it's maneuverability was nothing short of phenomenal. Any thoughts about it as best naval fighter?
it was pretty good, but like you say, it didn't see combat before VJ day, but i'm sure it would have beaten anything the japs could throw at it..............
They always seem kinda portly to me, especially the Wildcat. I guess it was the bubble canopy on the Bearcat that helped it in that regard.

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