Best Tank Killer of WW2 continued

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The Typhoons had a very bad hit rate against armour with their rockets if I remember right - upwards of 100 rockets used for one hit.

Well Rockets even now havnt really Advanced, theyre still pretty inaccurate, they may have be improved through better coordination of fire, but the fact that the 200 rockets fired to get 1 hit in my mind doesnt reflect the aircrafts performance just the chinsy weaponry
but the fact that the 200 rockets fired to get 1 hit in my mind doesnt reflect the aircrafts performance just the chinsy weaponry

The weapons an aircraft can carry affect its effectiveness in doing its job, though. You could say that the plane is just the delivery vehicle: it's the weapons that do the damage. In reality, it's the whole package - the weapon system, in modern parlance - which matters.

If you really wanted to knock out tanks from the air, nothing beat a good, big, cannon.

Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website and discussion forum
I agree, a big cannon or a bomb.

To me the best tank busters are (and in no particular order) the Il-2, Ju-87G-1, Fw-190F-8, P-47D, and Hurricane IID.

Honorable Mention goes to the Typhoon and the HS-127 (she would have been a great tank buster had it not been for her shitty French engines).
i'm curious as to why les mentioned the P-47D and to an extent the -190F in his list of dedicated ani-tank aircraft, the Hurricane Mk.IID being far superior.............
The greatest dealers of death have to be the Il-2, Ju-87G and Hurricane IID / IV. However, these planes were not the greatest protectors of their crews.

And we must take into account what armour we're dealing with. Even without the RP, the Typhoon could deal considerable damage to the Wehrmacht armour - remember, the Pz.Kpfw III and IV were the majority armour pieces albeit the Pz.Kpfw V was more numerous in the Ardennes Offensive, even if they did lack the fuel to run them all.
i'm curious as to why les mentioned the P-47D and to an extent the -190F in his list of dedicated ani-tank aircraft
I didnt mention the P-47D, Adler did, and I was just voicing my opinion that the Hs-129 was a better tankbuster than the -47D...

As for the Fw 190F, if u remember Lanc, the Panzerblitz destroyed many many Russian tanks, and was superior in every way shape and form to the Hurricane...
i wasn't i was comparing them in the dedicated anti-tank role, i said the Mk.IID was superior for the simple reason it was a dedicated tank-buster and as such the -190F shouldn't be in a dedicated tank-buster's dicussion on account of the fact the F series was a ground attack/anti-shipping series, if you get where i'm coming from, which it appears, as ever, no one does
Tanks drive on the ground, shipping sail on water (surface) so you could say air to ground or air to surface otherwise its pretty much the same thing, now i do know that they made certain planes back then for one purpose, but the Typhoon, the Il 2 Sturmivok, hurricane IID / IV, the Stuka or the 190-f doesnt matter what they were built for they were used for bombing not just tanks

but back to what i was originally saying, the Typhoon was the main CAS aircraft in the RAF and RCAF during the french,Dutch and German campaign and it did an excellent job, and i got to tell you this is the first time ive ever heard bad things about the Typhoons arsenal, ive heard personally from veteran RCAF pilots that they preferred the rocket load due to the fact that they could spend more time flying their plane then instead of concentrating on aiming and assuming where a bomb is gonna go, and i do know that rockets naturally are very innaccurate weapons, but these Typhoon pilots destroyed alot of Panzers with those rockets.
Somewhere I have seen stats that state that only about 2% I think of rockets fires by Tiffies actually ever did any damage - the rest was psychological, as with the Ju87b.

Johnnie Johmson says in "Wing Leader" that his people were highly hacked off when they were kitted out with rockets on their Spits, and that they much preferred having two 250lb bombs each.

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