Best Tank Killer of WW2 continued

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actually the jericho sirenen was not located on the landing strut, rather it was on the bottom of the engine cowling. ;]
nope im sure i thought they were then i was looking at some ww2 reading material while on the pot and kind of stumbled upon it
Seem to recall that the small 'propellor' on the gear strut is a generator? Also, although a siren was apparently attached to the JU87, and I don't doubt this, I have been told that the 'screaming' noise in the dive was mainly the result of airflow over the dive brakes/ trailing edge slats, which makes sense.
But we (note I was part of that particular discussion too) were discussing a feature (the siren) not used on the Ju 87G. (as les pointed out on the previous page)

But I guess my comment about it being off topic was a bit unnecessary since that tangent really wasn't interupting any ongoing discussion in this thread.
To save three days of reading have any conclusions been drawn on this topic or is it still based around the Il-2 vrs the Ju 87G. Are we only taking into consideration number of kills or actuall aircraft capabilities. The Typhoon has no doubt been nominated. Has any consideration been given to the Mosquitoes that flew were given over to ground attack role?
Hey, don't forget the Hs 129. (not to mention the US Fighter-Bombers)

I think a P-47D with armed with 10x 5" HVAR would be comperable with the Fw-190. (the Corsair was in there too, but didn't do much in this area -though quite capable-, Japanese tanks not being a major air target. And then there's the Corsair's oil cooler vulnerability -but the same for the Il-2)
Cool cheers for that, i of course realize that there are few instances of direct action by mosquitoes against tanks though i would imagine there would be some interesting stories to come out of the Ops. logs of the 2TAF. {Feel free if anyone knows of these Stories} That aside taken on face value the Stability and Firepower of the "Tetse Fly" 57mm armed variant would i immagine pop open a Tiger Tank Quite nicely as a hypothetical
...Most with an educated opinion rank the 190F-8 above the rest...


Oooooooooh, get her! :)

How would you guys rank the Hurricane in this discussion. IIRC it was very successful in the desert campaign?
I think it was thrown out of the competition due to the liquid cooled engine. (with vulnerable radiator, Il-2's radiator was an exception, though the oil cooler was still somewhat vulnerable, like with the Corsair)

It was a pretty sturdy aircraft though and would probably fair better against fighters than an Il-2 or Hs 129. (but much less capable than the higher performance fighter bombers, especially those without bulky rocket rails or tubes)
Hmmm....while it's true that Rudel was a true believer Nazi Sheet - even after the war was over ...unlike, say, Hartmann, who was a fighter pilot first and foremost...

I suspect Rudel's numbers were substantially true. Remember, because he was a Luftwaffe and Nazi star, he had quite a lot of cover on his ass, so the greatest danger to him was ground fire.

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