Best WW2 Fighter Pilot Poll Round 2

Best Pilot Pt. 2

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  • Poll closed .

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Regarding fighter pilots....I think it's actually good for WW II era fighter pilots to get shot down (and of course survive) early in their careers. It teaches you like no other lesson could. Many of the best pilots of WW II on any side were those who were shot down early and learned their lesson the hard way. Sorta like Joe Louis getting knocked out early in his career...he learned, and wasn't knocked out again for more than a decade.
I guess what I am trying to say is, what would the victory to sortie ratio be if you stopped counting once the pilot was shot down for his first time? That may be a better way to gauge the allied pilots vs the German pilots. Maybe a 30 or 40 kill allied pilot could then statistically even up with some of these great German flyers.

I think I would have to pick Hartmann because of the incredible number he racked up. There is just no way in my mind to count him out. Plus, I like the fact that he stayed with his unit the entire time, and chose to stay in the Bf 109 the entire time.
Aside from your post being moronic, why would you refer to German servicemen as "nazis?"

mkloby, I think moomoo2 was just using "Nazi" as a kind of a shorthand for WWII German soldiers and airmen (one I'll admit I've been guilty of using), just as "Bolshevik" is sometimes used to described Soviet servicepeople, even though the vast majority of them weren't in the Communist Party. Sometimes we all use labels a little carelessly.

Hartmann - For doing his job incredibly efficiently. Many pilots fought, many were good shooters and charismatic fliers, but he did it. He lived 3 furious years of combat in which his aircraft was not damaged by enemy fire and only lost a single wingman in well over 1400 missions. He was consistent and became terror to his enemies. In all likelihood his score will never be surpassed by no other pilot. Its easy to forget that in the last year combat in any front for the Germans was not easy. To live that chaotic period when the skies were swarming with enemy fighters and to keep scoring like that... he just is the epitome of the fighter pilot.

I beleive Hartmann was shot down twice: Once after getting his first kill and second when he escaped capture by feigning illness.
Erich Hartmann was a great pilot indeed, but from my perspective he was a great tactician more than a dogfighter. I deeply admire American pilots like George Preddy and Robert S. Johnson and feel a great deal of respect for Axis pilots like Hans Joachim Marseille and Saburo Zakai.
I am using a cell phone for the moment and it's very difficult and almost frustating to type a simple post but as soon as I get a hold of a real pc I'll make sure to vote for my pilot =)
How is Gunther Rall not in this?? Rall is the third most successful fighter ace in history with 275 kills. I feel embarrassed for you guys really? You're supposed to be ww2 fans??
Adrain Warburton is missing from both lists too, and that man made ace as a recce pilot flying Marylands off Malta!

otherwise I would have to go with Bar.
How is Gunther Rall not in this?? Rall is the third most successful fighter ace in history with 275 kills. I feel embarrassed for you guys really? You're supposed to be ww2 fans??
and Werner Mölders. In my opinion, the greatest fighter pilot that ever lived!

edit: ahhh yes this is part II.. if WM is in part I, my appologies.

edit part II:

Werner Mölders infact was in part I.. with ZERO votes. really? why?
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How is Gunther Rall not in this?? Rall is the third most successful fighter ace in history with 275 kills. I feel embarrassed for you guys really? You're supposed to be ww2 fans??

1. This is part 2 to a thread. I am sure he was in the first part of thread, just did not receive enough votes to be in the 2nd part.

2. It is not based on just kills. There is more to it than that.

3. Maybe you should read through the thread. It was interesting and you might actually learn something.

4. If you are embarrassed for us, then find someplace less embarrassing to post. I am sure that no will be offended by you not posting here.
Did you guys happen to notice its part 2 check out part 1 but I really have my doubts Warburton is on it but i guess he rates with Engbrecht and Gillanders
Now that I would have been able to vote, the poll is already closed… Talk about being late

Well, George Preddy isn't in the poll and he happens to be my guy based entirely on my opinion 8)
edit part II:

Werner Mölders infact was in part I.. with ZERO votes. really? why?

I don't know, read through the 1st part and you might find out. The polls were based off of the opinions of many members of this forum. Each person might have their own criteria for what makes someone "Best". It is all objective.

Well, George Preddy isn't in the poll and he happens to be my guy based entirely on my opinion 8)

Again this is the 2nd part of the "contest". Preddy was in the first part, but he did not make it the 2nd round.

Here is the 1st part.

If people wish, they can always start a new "contest" and see if the opinions of the forum members have changed.
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