Bf 109 G schematics

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Dec 15, 2006
Does anyone have any schematic drawings for the instrument panel and support for the G2 or even G10 version as well as the canopy and windshield of any G version aircraft? If possible tif or pdf would be appropriate.
There's been a big update to the Bf 109 Blueprints set from Peter Ewbank.

G-2 (I think) Instrument Panels are included as is a whole lot of centre and rear fuselage blueprints.

eBay Store - P-51: Plans: Blueprint, Blueprints

Peter (refer message posted on the P-51 sig message board) has also yesterday discovered during the last 30 days, Claus' P-51 Factory Blueprints sets on DVD that he has been sending out have had a "read only" setting locked onto them and that it is an accident.

All .tiff files were intended to be sent with "read and write" permissions.

So, any who have encountered this problem on files we have sent them, please contact him with your name so that they can verify and then we will send you a replacement set of DVDs free.

Thanks. Contact: [email protected]
I have been looking for me109G engine cowl details. Wartime photos and museums only show the outside surfaces. I am looking for the inner structural details - how its made. Anyone have access to drawings or photos?
Here you are upper part of it.The one from the another side looks almost the same.


  • Bf109G engine cowling.jpg
    Bf109G engine cowling.jpg
    85.6 KB · Views: 2,438
  • Bf109G engine cowling1.jpg
    Bf109G engine cowling1.jpg
    96.4 KB · Views: 1,522
I have the building manuals for all of the me-109 series aircraft if anybody wants them.

Currently I'm creating, or more to the point rebuilding a BF 109 E Trop via 3D and I'm in need of some decent (hi Res) schematics. If you could help with this then I'd be very grateful or if anyone could provide any decent links this would also be appreciated.

Failing that, I'll plod on with what I've got.
Does anyone have dimensional drawings for a 109G-10 / 109K?

- Ivan.
I like these pictures.They show the clean lines of the aircraft.<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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