If I am not mistaken, the airspeed is in knots or Mach number, the fuel in pounds, the fuel flow in pounds per hour. There is nothing mysterious about the metric system ... it is just in different units. I am comfortable in either. When I rode and raced motorcycles, it was ALL metric.
The airplanes we work on are ALL SAE and, if they are not, we convert them that way if we restore them ourselves. That way, we only have one type of hardware to deal with. While I was working on our Zero, I only came across two metric bolts ... since I have metric tools from motorcycle racing, it wasn't an issue, just go get the correct wrench and you're back going again. In my toolbox I have both SAE and metric drill bits, taps, and dies. Of course, I have by FAR more SAE since almost everything is SAE. The only tools I am almost completely lacking in are Whitworth, BSC, and BSF. If I ever start working on Merlins on a regular basis, I'll take the plunge. Otherwise, I really have no use for them since I have no items that use Whitworth hardware.
The airplanes we work on are ALL SAE and, if they are not, we convert them that way if we restore them ourselves. That way, we only have one type of hardware to deal with. While I was working on our Zero, I only came across two metric bolts ... since I have metric tools from motorcycle racing, it wasn't an issue, just go get the correct wrench and you're back going again. In my toolbox I have both SAE and metric drill bits, taps, and dies. Of course, I have by FAR more SAE since almost everything is SAE. The only tools I am almost completely lacking in are Whitworth, BSC, and BSF. If I ever start working on Merlins on a regular basis, I'll take the plunge. Otherwise, I really have no use for them since I have no items that use Whitworth hardware.