bf-109 repros

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Dec 29, 2006
are they ever going to build new 109s the same way theyt have built new 190s?
Also, isnt it possible to build new DB engines for the 109 and new BMW engines for the 190s?
Its possible with a lot of money, but who's going to fund it?

If you have a spare $3M - $4M you could probably get a new DB engine, but you'd have to choose which one and you'd need anothjer $3M - $4M for a different model.

What is your potential market? Who will buy them? In what quantities? And at what price?
That's pretty neat! I knew they were doing Fw 190s, but the rest is new to me.

They build P-51s in Chino, California, U.S.A., too. But they haven't biilt an Fw 190 yet.

I'd really like to see a 109 flying with a DB engine!
That's pretty neat! I knew they were doing Fw 190s, but the rest is new to me.

They build P-51s in Chino, California, U.S.A., too. But they haven't biilt an Fw 190 yet.

I'd really like to see a 109 flying with a DB engine!

I am not sure if they have completed a 109 yet. But I remember reading on the website they were soon to start one.
its not a real me109...and I don't know if they sell them out side of Germany, but they are kind of cool.International Site - Flugzeugbau C. Engelen

That is not even close to a real 109 and does not compare to the ones being built by Flugwerk who are building them based off of the actual designs from Messerschmitt and are so close to the real thing are being assigned werknummern. Same with the Fw 190. Asside from the engine, radios, and avionix they are exactly like the originals. That is the flugwerk 109s and 190s.
Ah, those are soooo cool but I'd like to see them remake something more rare instead of P-51's. How about a BF-110 or a ME-410......maybe even a A-20 Havoc.
Very true. But we should be glad that there is a company out there who cares about history. Even if these aren't original, at least people will get to see them fly.
I see your point Adler. I can accept a modification here or there if it makes it better. For instance, if they had to modify the landing gear on a bf-109, I could understand that since it's gear was so weak.

I guess I'm just not that picky about it as others would be. I would be just as happy seeing a new FW-190 fly as I would a 1944 FW-190. But that's just me.

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