Bf109 E-3 cockpit details

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Mar 29, 2007
I'm currently building a full size 109e cockpit and am having difficulty sourcing cockpit placard information. Since I am in New Zealand I don't have anything local to reference. I have tried e-mailing a number of sources with only a stunning silence as reply, so I hope the forum experts here can help me.

I am after clear (legible) photographs of the following placards.

Oxygen regulator,

Radiator winding handle,

Fuel shut off.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

For the oxygen reg you could try the book Monogram German Aircraft Interiors '39-45, that has a good shot showing the whole unit.
My copy is a scan and the placard isn't quite legible, but back when I owned the printed copy I remember the photography and printing being of a very high quality so you might just be lucky there.
Thanks for your reply Siddley. I also have a scan of this book. Tantalisingly close but not clear enough. There just seem to be cockpit details which never get much attention.;o)I will Keep searching.
That's very impressive, nice work.

I have just started building what I don't plan to be a 1:1 cockpit, but more of a 'simpit' to use with a game called IL2
I will be reproducing ( as best I can ) some Luftwaffe cockpit controls - but of a slightly later era, I'm kind of basing things around the FW190 family.
There isn't any way to drive 'steam gauges' from IL2, but that will keep the cost down and I do like blowing stuff up rather than just flying around

My current focus is the joystick, I'm building a KG 12\13 style grip and the gimbal mechanism.

If I can help you in any way I'll chime in. I will probably have the capability to cast parts in aluminium in a couple of months.

Good luck and welcome to the forum, I'm very new here myself but they are a friendly and helpful bunch of people.

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