If you mean turn radius, you are probably right. The mustang was certainly not the quickest turner. Would not surprise me either if the Me climbed better, all the Me109's seemd to be great climbers, the P-51 was not the best at climbing.
Not sure how it would effect roll rates though.
It all depends on speed and altitude of the engagement and which engine the Me 109 had. At speed the Mustang was clearly superior. Roll rate of the Mustang was unbeatable by any aircraft except for the P-63 King-cobra. This is because the NAA/NACA laminar flow wings were resistant to compressibility/mach effects, because they were thick enough to contain the internal pressure balancing mechanisms for the ailerons which reduced pilot force required to deflect the ailerons. Also the NAA/NACA profile was so thick it made the wing stiff, aeroelasticity meant that thin wings twisted opposite to the wing thereby even rolling the aircraft in the opposite direction, well known limitation of spitfires untill a new wing came in from the F.22 onwards. The P-51 had about the same maneuverability in terms of turning circle as the Tempest V, the Tempest was faster at low altitude but the tempest had absolutely no warning of an oncoming stall.