The NACA 868 report gives
no information on Me 109 roll rate at all. There is no comparison. It is, thanks to Cranfield University, mirrored here: See page 166 figure 47.
For the German DVL report we have:
200 kph = 45 deg/sec (0.8rad)
300 kph = 68 deg/sec (1.2rad)
400 kph = 83 deg/sec (1.45rad)
480 kph = 20kg/44lbs limit
500 kph = 88 deg/sec (1.55rad)
600 kph = 91 deg/sec (1.6rad) - peak value
700 kph = 56 deg/sec (0.98rad)
800 kph = 23 deg/sec (0.4rad)
Te stories about the roll rate of the aircraft being set in cement somewhat hyperbolic. The above data is in TAS and as the document show the tests are made in H=3km (H = Höhe = altitude) about 10000ft.
In in 3km alt :
600km/h TAS = around 510km/h IAS = 91°
700km/h TAS = around 595km/h IAS = 56°
800km/h TAS = around 680km/h IAS = 23°
Me 109F2 at 595kmh (370mph) IAS, 3000m (10000ft) the Me 109F2 is rolling at 56 degrees sec (30kg or 66lbs stick force)
Sptifire V at 595kmh (370mph) IAS, 3000m (10000ft) the Spitifre V is rolling at 56 degrees sec (50lbs stick force)