BF110D-1 info required

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 10, 2011
Hello all,
I am researching a 110-D which crashed on 2nd September 1940.
I have conflicting info about the Wr/Nr.

Code - U8 + DK
Crew - FW Schuetz Gefr Stuewe
Unit - 2/ZG26

Now from various sources I have come across two werke nummers.
The first I think is correct - WNr 3309 but I have also come across the following WNr 3231 recorded for the same 110.

Can anybody clarify please?

Cheers Chris
Cheers, the only other info I know is that this was shot down my Sgt Rolls of 72sqn RAF and it come down in White Horse Wood, Birling, Kent.
I have that as Werknummer 3309. The other info agrees. Pilot Schutz was killed but Struwe survived and was taken PoW. They were shot down at White Horse Wood, Birling, near Maidstone by WTE Rolls of 72 Squadron. Rolls was a Pilot Officer or Sergeant at the time depending which source you believe.

Rolls is standing back right (as we look) in this photo and is clearly a Sergeant at this time.


Steve you are a Gem. Any idea what Sgt (I'm going for Sgt) Rolls was flying at the time?
Would be nice to build both models in a diorama in thinking.

Cheers Chris
The Sqn ORB might show either the serial number, or the individual letter - if a full record was kept during those very hectic times - but I doubt it'd show both.

As Airframes says, you'll be lucky to get either in the squadron ORB. You might be lucky and find his name and a particular serial/code in an entry but I wouldn't bank on it.

You might be able to find some serials/codes which were with 72 squadron at this time and make a historically feasible representative Spitfire.


Thanks Terry, Steve, it's hard to stomach that all of this data is lost in history, understandably though.

Will do some digging on the 72sqn Spit once I've found the details of all other I need in my other thread.
Chris, I'm away from my books at the moment. Though I don't disagree with Steve, keep in mind that it would not be unusual for an aircraft number to be used for several different aircraft. After a loss, an aircraft code would likely have been re-used on a replacement aircraft so you might very well have a the possibility of U8+DK also being assigned to your other W.Nr. at some point.
A bit of info from Vol 3 of 'Luftwaffe Crash Archive' Chris.
It's shown as Wn.3309 from the Crash Report. The aircraft departed St.Omer at 11.00hrs on a bomber escort mission, attacked at 16,000 feet by four Spitfires. The whole raid was broken up and turned back. The Me110 was completely destroyed. A label showed the aircraft was constructed by Focke Wulf, FZB, Bremen, with some parts supplied by Gothaer Waggonfabrik. AG.
The unit I.D was deduced from the pilot's I.D. disc.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Terry, I guess that's about the limit for info that's going to be available about this one.

Andy, yes if you have any more info please post, I'd be very grateful.

Cheers Chris
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