...Why is this important? The answer comes in one word, range. I have read that the Finnish Blenheims only carried the heavy loads for 300Kms, a 600Km round trip plus a reserve...
I cannot answer that from top of my head. Should look the sqn histories and combat reports before being able to verify.
For example, to fly from a North Eastern base across the North Sea to the Norwegian coast is at least 400 miles. Once there the aircraft had to fly a patrol line before returning. From a South Western base to the Bay of Biscay is a similar distance.
If a fully equipped Blenheim can lift 700-800kg with a sufficient fuel load then it might be viable for such operations, otherwise it is, as it historically was, a non starter as a torpedo bomber.
Many CC torpedo attacks were made inthe Channel and off Belgian and Netherland coast, at least later on. Those targets would have been in the reach of the Torp Blemheims. On the other hand, Hampden TB Is were used because most of the Norwegian coast and Bay Of Biscay were too distant even for Beaufort.
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